His Perfection (Matthew Espinosa!!<3)

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Sorry it took me so long to update. All the school work and house cleaning. Anyways, let's get back to the story!:)

A while later, I replied to Matt.

(Morgan) I always see all these tweets about how girls got to see you and get bunches of selfies... Turns out I'm real jealous. Lol

I have no idea what he would say or feel about that. I am so deeply involved with him. I can never tell why I felt so different with him. He's so amazing.

Matt didn't reply till about 1:27, but I understand. He has a life and I don't. I decided I want to meet him, I want to be a famous viner... I got dressed into some D9 jeans and got on my highlighter colored American Eagle v-neck shirt.

I looked pretty good to be honest and my hair was already straight, I was all ready to go!:) I spent about an hour just thinking of what to do. I decided to do a One Of The Girly Things. The picture said when you text your best friends...

I decided to get my sister to help. I changed her contact to BFFF🐧!! We texted each other "Hey slut" and "Sup bitch" (inspired by someone else, I don't know who)

My phone dinged and I just knew it was Matt.

(Matthew) Lol its Good 😊 Lol she's  jealous?

(Morgan) So it's good be jealous of over a hundred of girls because they get to see a star? And yes my sister is jealous because I'm talking to you...💖

(Matthew) Just tell her to message me 😊

(Matthew) Im glad that your a fan. Thanks For the Support, it means alot 😊 😉

I wasn't expecting that to be his answer, at all. He's so perfect so nice and wonderful. As soon as I was about to reply I got a notification from Twitter, two from Vine, One from Facebook, and about five from Instagram.

Matthew Espinosa followed me revined my first and just recent Vine an followed me on Vine, and also followed me on Instagram and liked 4 photos and commented on one. Within seconds I had about 30 thousand followers on Vine. He couldn't of caused that could he? And of course he did. He gave me a shout out!:)

(Morgan) Your thanking me? I should be thanking you. Your talking to me... I'm like a nobody to you. Like I stalk you and you only know me because I messages you...(:

(Matthew) 😊 Im thanking you because if it werent for The Fans I wouldnt be a star..I would have been a nobdy from Virginia.

(Morgan) Yes but I'm just one out of the million other girls 😊

(Matthew) I thank you for that 😊

I decided to just be comfortable with him. It felt like we were becoming friends and he has done a lot more for me than I have done for him. I felt like we were becoming good friends:)

(Morgan) Why though? And is this emoji like your favorite or something 😊? Lol

(Matthew) 😊 This? Yes!!!!

I don't know, but I kept smiling and waited a couple minuets to reply and made another Vine. I introduced myself in this one so all my new followers would know what I look like and see how I am, even if it is six seconds. Matthew instantly liked it and commented. He makes me smile(:

(Morgan) Why is that one your favorite? Lol...

(Matthew) I like smiling 😊 Lol oops did it again

(Morgan) Haha. That emoji must be very special!:)

(Matthew) 😃 Now this is my favorite

(Morgan) Lol. Your so weird! Like your dancing in one of your latest vines... Those are some creepy comments on that video...

(Matthew) Lol I agree..i posted a video of me dancing and ppl were like " I wanna dance on you naked" And Im just like...."Keep your clothes on..Not happening"

(Morgan) Haha! Oh my god! Wow these girls are getting creepy...

(Morgan) My half sister is freaking out because I showed her the message and she can't remember her Facebook password... Lol

(Matthew) Oh Too bad 😞

(Morgan) This is what she said. And her contact name is Vicsnortia. Her real name is Victoria, but I like to mess with her and she wanted her name like that.

Kik me at Emily_Blake22 to see the picture I send to Matthew. Supposedly you can't add photos to my story...😁

(Matthew) LOOL !! I cant give you my number 😞 Sorry

(Matthew) Tell that to ur sis

(Morgan) That's what I told her. She's... Kinda odd. And I always feel bad for her because she doesn't always have a good time. Everyone at our school bully's her... And her full brother is a mental person and her mom doesn't eve know her birthday... When she gets back from her Grandmas I'll let her talk to you on my Facebook

(Matthew) Ohh thats sad 😞 Yeah later!!

(Morgan) Yea, she's a pretty good sister though. Kinda annoying at times but still

(Matthew) Yeah

(Morgan) I'm bored... Sundays are so boring...

(Matthew) hey there! Do me a favor? Get ppl to like my page?

Sorry this update was short. I promise I'll get back soon!!! Kik me at Emily_Blake22 if you want to see Matthew Espinosa's and my sister Tori's messages

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