Drunk & Disorderly

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You were a skater. A pretty good one at that. You managed to make your way up with the big dogs. And now it was time for the after-party. You decided to relax by the alcohol table. Another boy was drinking by himself as well. You felt a bit tipsy by the time you noticed him.
You decided to try to make conversation with him, feeling more confident because of the dessert wine.
(Dessert wine gets you drunk faster. XD)"What's your name?.." He asked. "Y/N, you?" "Yuuri." "Nice name.." "Thanks..." More hours pass. More drinks are drunk. Tipsy turns to disorderly, and wild.
Dances contests were fought, and you ended flinging your pants somewhere, leaving you in just your panties, and before you know it, Opp! There goes your shirt, leaving you only in your undergarmets. You ended up swinging on a chandler like that one music video "Wrecking Ball".
But that's okay. Yuuri was too. Along with other ice-skaters who joined in on the striping, dancing, pole-dancing, and drunk fun. Pictures were took, and you could only hope they were deleted. But right now, the only thing you dreaded, was the hangover to come, and the shame that will bestow your sober self the next morning.
(One-shot inspired by a friend! Friendship rules! ^^)

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