Fix You | The Hoodie Girl

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A month into college and I was over it.

I sat in the bar, with a cold beer in my hand, hoping and praying that I could get over Wren.

She was everything to me, and that was hard. I wanted nothing more than to just have her be mine, for her to break up with Asher and run away with me, but at the same time, I didn't.

He was my best friend.

I drank the brown liquid and looked at the bartender. I'm sure he knew I was too young, but once I had told him my sob story of falling in love with my best friend's girl he knew.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" A feminine voice asked me. I shook my head no, and looked over at the girl. Her eyes were a deep blue and she had light purple hair.

"I like your hair, it's different."


"Who broke your heart?" She asked me.

"Excuse me?" I was taken aback by her question. I didn't really understand why she'd just ask a random stranger that question.

"Look, it's pretty obvious someone broke your heart, so I'll tell you my story if you tell me yours."

"Okay, but what's your name?"

"Alyssa Tanner," she says holding out her hand.

"Brody Knight." I smiled.

"Well Brody Knight let me tell you a little about myself."

She went on to tell me how she was a normal student from her high school in Arizona, and how she didn't even want to go to college, she just knew that it's what her parents wanted. She had an older brother and a younger sister. Her favorite thing to do was to take a bath and light candles to relax. And that sometimes when she really needed it, she would lay in her mother's bed when her anxiety overcame her.

She told me about how she kept all of her stuffed animals in her closet, and how she loved talking to her dog and fish. She said how she had a bad habit of biting her nails, and chipping away her nail polish.

"I'm a very regular person," she tells me.

"Your hair is different."

"Yeah I know, but for some reason it doesn't make me feel any better. I still feel like a regular person. None of my thoughts are my own, they're all influenced, and all of my weird quirks I've found that a lot of other people do them too."

She continued, "You see, I want to do something with my life. I want to be so extraordinary that people remember me, I want to do all the things that scare me. I want to be able to go out and wear whatever I want. I just want to be me and not be scared of what other people think."

"Well then, don't fit in, dye your hair whatever color you want. Wear that dress, line your eyes with makeup, or don't. Do whatever you fucking want, just don't conform. No, never give in."

"It's just that I'm really scared to."

"You can't overthink it. Let go, make choices you'd never make sober. Take risks because you only live once, better to regret than to look back and wish you could've done something."

"Profound words from a boy with a broken heart," she gave me a light smile.

"Well yeah, I give the best advice when I'm drunk and hurting Gives me time to open up."

"Anything else before it gets real?"

"Yeah, live and dream. Go for the highest point, and then look higher. Don't forget that all of those around you are just trying to survive. Respect everyone, but most importantly, respect yourself."

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