I love you, goodbye (Short Story)

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I run fast as I could. I can even hardly catch my breath as I tried to catch up with him. But, even so I did my best he is still far from me. I am in slow motion that made my running very slow not to have had a chance to touch him.

I’ve tried enough. And I’m tired of it. I stopped, standing there watching him as he approach that cliff. I shouted his name. It seems he even couldn’t hear me. My throat is starting to lose its sound. I can’t speak anymore no single word would get out of my mouth.

Silence is rich in that place. Only the sound of a strong wind I can hear.

He looked back at me, smiled and whispered ‘Goodbye’. I started to move my feet to be near him but, as the seconds flows he is not on my sight anymore. I started crying, my heart is cloaked with despair. It became weaker and dumber. He had just vanished.

“GREGGIE!!!!!” I shouted. I am panting to hell.

I woke up, again in the middle of the night. Having with the same dream, that hunts me. My heart is in pain my lungs could hardly pipe air for me to breath.

How I miss him so much.

With my eyes closed, waters flows down my cheeks. I sat on my bed and hugged my knees. It’s too hard for me to forget everything. Seeing the man I love die in my arms couldn’t do something is such a total bullshit.

I grabbed the frame from my bed side table and looked at it gently. His smiles, how I wish I can see it again and those eyes that speaks everything, how I missed them.

“Greggie, I miss you.” I said between my sobs.

I hugged the frame getting strength from it, hoping that with it I can ease the pain in my chest. I haven’t noticed, in that position I sleep again.


2 weeks ago

“Ariana, won’t you go with us at the ball?” Racy asked. She’s a very close friend of mine since we’re in first year high school. Here we are at the canteen having some lunch. She was making fork rotation in her spaghetti.

“Race, you know why I don’t go to parties like that. It really bores me.” I looked at her and gave her a raised brow.

“Psh. For my knowledge, you’ll go again in that stupid hospital taking good care of your sickly boyfriend.” She rolls her eyeballs, I am about to speak but she stopped me by waving her index finger. “And yeah! I do understand why. You don’t need to babble about how you love him.” After saying it she laughed.

I sighed. I haven’t visited Greggie for two days now. This exam really sucks. This made me busy that I couldn’t see him. And then there will be a ball tomorrow for the homecoming. I can’t take a few more days not seeing him.

At night, I called him, so even just simply hearing his voice can actually lessen the urge to skip examination day and visit him in the hospital. He’s been there for a week now.

Greggie has leukemia. His parents had observed that when he was nine years of age. When I first met him, he was very pale and weak. He just collapsed in front of me on that date his and my friends organized.

With the reason he gave me that it was just stress that made him faint. I believed in.

 I and Greggie became close friends and dated many times. We we’re young yet we are matured enough to know that what we feel for each other was love.

Until such then after how many dates we had. We reached to the point that I said ‘yes’ to him and started a happy relationship.  Each and every day that we’re together he’s secret started to unveil.  At first he hides it from me.  They tried very hard to make me believe that he’s normal, especially his parents. Yes, maybe physically he is but inside his dying.

I love you, goodbye (Short Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon