family are shocking

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The beautiful French women with blond hair that fell into soft curls and tinged teal stared at the tiny fragile baby in her arms she smiled sweetly as a kind elderly women stood at her side with similar curly hair with strands of grey and green eyes they cooed at the newly born baby suddenly he started shaking and getting paler by the second the women who was the boys mother did not know what was happening suddenly out the fireplace came a woman with European features and a goat skin and she radiated power" your son sweet little Aaron is destined to die as he is now a fire stick in the fireplace is his life " she vanished in a poof of smoke Aarons mother quickly put out the flames assuring herself everything was okay but she couldn't find Aarons life stick till the grandmother pointed to a piece of wood as slick and thick as a remote that was glowing with heat she put it away where it could breathe and live like her son in the night while baby Aaron was sleeping fondly relieved of the pain suddenly the same woman with the goat sin appeared " sweet little grandson your life is short and your father is my son but yet you are imperfect for the fates have chosen you with that burden so suffer the wrath of Juno " she said as she began to glow but suddenly a red glow cancelled her out popped out a very intimidating ten feet tall being radiating power even more than Juno he charged at Juno with a very big sharp sword as big as Juno she disappeared back on Olympus Juno was angry all she tried to do was have a perfect family but her son the god of fricking she didn't even want to say it she teleported as a evil idea came to her nemesis was just ruining some lives with revenge when the queen of Olympus came she bowed down and kept going Juno told her the situation but Nemesis was eager to kill the demigod Aaron but asked whose father it was when Juno told her she screamed and said no way the boys father would make her fade with a single punch Juno obviously cunning replied by telling her it was Jupiter idea and Nemesis though reluctant went to the fates the fates sent a hydra not to kill anyone but Aaron Aarons godly father mad with rage went down and brutally killed the hydra and went to the fates and beated them up so badly they were about to fade they promised they wouldn't touch Aaron on the river Styx and the second powerfullest god in the universe left

so that's a wrap that's only chapter 1 and the shortest one so like Juno her plans foiled cause she missed with percabeth if you want to find out Aarons dad its in chapter 2

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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