It's Hopeless...

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→Don't ask me how the idea came, I dunno~♥

→Tell me if I've made any mistakes~♥

→Short story and fanPoem still uncompleted~♥




It's hopeless...

I want to hate you but I can't

I want to destroy you but I can't

You're a monster

Why are you like that?

You're a destroyer

Why I can't trust that?

All these broken lives

Who unfornately met you

All these joyful lives

That were destroyed by you

It's hopeless...

I want to hate you but I can't

I want to destroy you but I can't

You're friendless

Because you're hated

I'm hopeless

Because I didn't care

It was a rainy day

And you were injured

I thought that you could be helped

And I was exhausted anyway

It's hopeless...

I want to hate you but I can't

I want to destroy you but I can't

I healed your wounds

All theses bloody wounds

And I took care of you

I even cooked for you

I knew that something was wrong

But I've seen your good side

That's why I stayed on your side

Even if that choice was wrong

It's hopeless...

I want to hate you but I can't

I want to destroy you but I can't

Now I'm your assistant

I'm ready for my new assignment

Working all day long with you

Was the last thing I thought I would do

I observed your behaviour

You were so mysterious

And a bit suspicious

Things between us became less sour

It's hopeless...

I want to hate you but I can't

I want to destroy you but I can't

What's that little game?

Am I a part of that game?

Aren't you bored,

To twist my poor head?

I discovered that bad side

The one that everyone knew

But I kept staying on your side

Because it's something that I knew

It's hopeless...

I want to hate you but I can't

I want to destroy you but I can't

You're just a jerk

Everything about you is murk

You're rude and mean

Wait! That's not what I mean!

But I feel something

Something really soft

Soft and interesting

And you keep saying that it's bothering

It's hopeless...

I can't hate you because of my love

I can't destroy you because of my love

But I'll endure and pay for you

Until I can stop bothering you...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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