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"Let's live a lie for today. You'll spin tales and pretend to love me. And I'll smile; you'll not realize it's fake. Then I'll pretend your pretensions don't cause me pain."

              This is my first story in Wattpad

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This is my first story in Wattpad. I'm the kind of person who likes reading sad stories so I decided to make one. The story takes place in Brooklyn.
Get to know Vanessa Elizabeth Anderson's story while she lives her life in a lie.
    Hope you guys will enjoy the story!Votes and Comments are very much appreciated!

Any part of the story is made up of         my imagination. Any reference or similarity in real life or books is purely coincidental. Parts or phrases may be taken from a book or novel.


I dedicate my first story to my best friends or Wattpad buddies  JusTheawrites and maxinejulienne  for helping me make this story. I wouldn't be here writing my story without them. They inspired me to use this app so I can share my imaginations and ideas with other people.


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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