lauren jauregui

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"Hello students I'm Ms.jauregui I will be your English teacher" was what I said the first class of day of school my male students hit on me but I have a wife. there's a new girl and it's already 3 months into the school year she was in my first class and 3rd I snapped out of my day dream to see Camila one of my student with a girl holding hands the both were heading towards my room Camila was 18 while I was only 23 but this girl seemed young they got to the door the girl held out her hand to introduce her self "hi I'm y/n y/ln I'm the new student""how old are you" I asked "I'm 16" she replied with a smile "um shouldn't you be in high school" when i said that her smile faltered to an offended look. "I'm offended I graduated from high school when I was 14 and this my second year in college I went to Harvard but transferred to Miami University to be with my girlfriend so no I'm not supposed to be in high school" she looked at me with an almost f you look. "Y/n it's alright she was just wondering babe" Camila stated The bell went off my students wherein there seats except y/n "Y/n introduce yourself," I said Y/n then said " I'm in my second year of college , I'm in a relationship" then Brad shouted to y/n "come on Bae I'm better then your boyfriend" "um I have a girlfriend ,Camila" Y/n stated. Brad started muttering "dyke faggot" "Brad get up and why don't you tell the class what you just muttered " I said irritated "I said faggot and dyke because their sinners and a disgrace to god " Brad said like a cocky ass hole I pulled out my phone to picture of Normani I connected my phone to the smart board I asked Brad "is this woman beautiful?" "Ya she's hot" retorted Brad I scrolled my phone to a picture of Normani holding hands with me with just hands in the picture " Brad what's wrong with the picture?" In which he replied "there both women" I scrolled over again to a picture of me and Normoni kissing but you couldn't see my face "class what's wrong with this picture" "faggot's" was the main reply "okay class the woman on the right (Normani) is someone I know the girl from the first picture one of the girls from the second one too. Okay, the woman on the left is someone I know two she's from the second picture as well. Here's another picture (swipes pictures where you can see me and Normoni's faces clearly we were holding hands) what's wrong with this picture" Brad stared and me and said, "you're a faggot?" " class what's wrong you guys enjoyed me before I told you I'm married to a woman I told you guys I was Married also any one who said faggot or dyke when I showed the pictures can get out of my room and go to Mr.Jensen's room he's your teacher now we already talked about that. " I waited but no one moved " I wasn't joking get out of my class room before it's me getting you kicked out of this school my best friend lucy's the principal" the door opened and closed a couple of time I looked up to see I only had a few student Camila, y/n, and Dinah; also ally. "Okay, students I hope all of you know who Anne Frank is. We will be looking into her diary a bit more the thought behind the writing is what we want to discover"


Camila was right next to me I couldn't let myself think this way I love Camila but I always thought to my self does she love me, of course, she does I'm just an idiot " hello Ms. y/ln are you paying attention?" "yes I am ma'am " i responded " what did Anne Frank think of Peter" Ms. Jauregui asked me. "Anne sought attention from someone when her mother and father didn't give her that attention she got it from Peter. she wanted someone to chase her, a lot of girls like being chased Anne wanted someone to share memories with." Camila stared at me in amazement " wow Ms. Y/n you might actually listen" Ms. Jauregui stated Camila leaned over and squeezed my hand Ms.Jauregui just stared at our hand for a moment then looked away and I felt like there was a lot of thought behind it.

Lauren's POV

I didn't want to be attracted to the young women but her intelligence and beauty were blinding sixteen years old and in her second year of college. that would mean she was 15 graduating from high school and possible 11 graduating middle school that's a big education plan I wonder what she plans on doing after college. I finished up the class telling them "write about what you would do if you were Anne or Peter what would you do?" Camila looked at Y/n and smiled. "this is a one person assignment if caught working together no one gets the grade. Camila frowned. "anyone interested in talking about post-college education or work I have free time after class." Y/n looked at Camila and whispered then as she was walking towards me I realized how the light hit her face and the way her smile shined. breaking my thought she asked "do you have time now to talk about post-college" only for you I thought I saw kids starting to get up to leave. "yes I do Ms. Y/n" I retorted "I was thinking of medical school after or maybe the Marines" Y/n said. "I would say both Ms. Y/n you could go to school for medical surgery in the trauma department and go on the field with that knowledge and save some lives" I stated hoping that she would respect my opinion. "thanks Ms. Jauregui" Y/n said walking out to greet Camila with a kiss on the cheek. all I could say about today is DAMN THAT ASS.....................


hey yall this is a redo of my first try feel free to leave comments on how to make it better its hard to write from a girls point of view (as a man/boy). But, I'm trying.

Cayden C Cronin

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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