Chapter I: The House of Lee Vs. The House of Chae

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"Your Highness? Our ride has arrived." One of the bodyguards said as he approached his boss who was seated on an armchair.

His boss, who was reading a book looked up to him and said: "Hyunwoo, for the Nth time, stop calling me Your Highness."

Hyunwoo sighed. "Fine. Hyungwon, our ride has arrived."

Hyungwon looked at him and smiled. "Better. Let's go then."

"Oh wait." said Hyunwoo.

"What now?"

"I just came from outside and there's a huge crowd of people waiting to see you."

"And what do you want me to do?"

"As your personal butler, bodyguard and if I may so, friend, I'd like to advise you to take a lesser known exit."

"You mean the back door."


"Son Hyunwoo, I'm the only heir of the House of Chae and you expect me to go for the back door in order to avoid people? I don't think so."

"Aigoo, I'm still not used to you being so committed to your role."

"Well what can I do? My father threatened to donate the entire book collection at our house and now way would I let that happen."

"You and your love for books..." Hyunwoo said as he shook his head. "Why don't you marry one?"

"Hahaha. Very funny. Let's just get this over with. Let's go."

"Yoosu, open the door. You and Kwangji better keep close to protect our little master here." Hyunwoo told two more bodyguards who were posted by the door.

"Yes sir!" they both said.

Hyungwon fixed his clothes, gave his book to Hyunwoo who carried it with him. Behind them were four more bodyguards. Hyungwon nodded and Yoousu opened the door. The moment it opened, bright flashes from cameras and phones, screams, shouts, questions from photographers, reporters and Hyungwon's fangirls immediately filled the air. There was also some airport security outside who made a pathway for Hyungwon and his entourage by blocking everyone trying to get to and talk to him. Hyungwon wore his shades and with both Yoosu and Kwangji before him, he went out of the VIP lounge and walked into the shifting pathway. Hyunwoo walked beside Hyungwon as he tried to cover him from the photographers' cameras. Hyungwon just smiled and would sometimes wave at the crowd.

Eventually, they came outside where there was an even larger crowd. Fortunately, Hyunwoo was able to let Hyungwon get inside their van with him following soon after. Their group which consisted of three black vans promptly left the airport even as the fans outside were shouting Hyungwon's name.

"Crown Prince Hyungwon! Crown Prince Hyungwon!"

"He's our Crown Prince! Nobody else!"

"Who is Hyungwon?!"

"The true heir!"

"Who is the true heir?!"


Inside the van, Hyungwon just smiled as he heard all the shouting outside.

"Crown Prince Hyungwon huh?... Yeah, it does sound nice. What do you think, Hyunwoo?"

Hyunwoo sighed. "For years, I've been wanting to address you like that. Not only me but your entire family but then again..."

"... we're not the royal family of this country. I know that. Well anyway, I guess my dear father has a new plan to take the throne from the House of Lee... It's so obvious since he made me come back here in a rush."

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