Something Missing

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I know that you know that I exist
Meeting me is a chance you decided to miss

All I know about you is your full name
I also know why you never came

I don't know your job or if you have another family
You could be living in an alley and very lonely

I might never know that side of me
There's something missing, yes indeed

One day of the year, in which I always feel hurt
You're probably off at a bar, trying hard to flirt

14 years and no memories with you
I wonder what memories you already do

Our relationship is only biological and nothing more
I never think twice when I don't call you that word

I might miss a certain dance at my wedding
All because you're something missing

I long for the day when we finally meet
Only because I want to collide your face with my feet

I'll finally tell you how I feel
And finally know what the hell was your deal

You managed not to pay 14 years of support
And when I turned 13 you got out of going to court

If you and the devil were hanging off of something really tall
I'd grab the Devils hand and smile
as you fall

I'm not sorry that that was very mean
But you did worse by being something missing

I respect the woman who wanted me and stayed
Even after the heartbreak you made

I know that I'll always have problems
With or without them I'll always be awesome

You weren't ready to be in my life
You couldn't even make that woman your wife

If we ever met, I could never make peace
So it's better that you stay away and be something missing

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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