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My name is Blue Ela Seralda

I'm 22 years old, currently living in New York.

Favorite colour - blue

Eye colour - blue

Favorite bands - Don't have ,but I listen to metal, Rock/80's, indie, industrial, house, drum an bass... music

Natural hair colour - Brownish blondish

Tattoos -  Neck. Right arm/wrist. Left arm/wrist. Hands.      

I'm A tattoo artist - This is some of my drawings -  drawing. drawing2

                                - This is some of my tattoos I did -  tattoo. tattoo2 

I have - lisztomania, nyctophilia, pluviophile, obesophobia, atelophobia  

    ~And I was alone,

Lost in this dark forest.

"I was just laying in my bed thinking about... Everything I guess. I just have those kind of day. Feeling like nothing. Like i have nothing. Honestly i don't really have anything. I have no parents, no siblings, no friends. All I'm doing is being a slave to life. Pretending to be happy. I don't even why I'm still here. I'm just kind of scared  of killing myself. No more like scared of whats after i die. Maybe there's something worser than... This. I don't know. Everything is just a big lie. Theres nothing good about life. Whats so fun about being slave to money, to life. Everyone is like 'Oh theres all ways something good about everyone, about life. Why don't i see it? I Lost everything . Everything just disappeared. I'm like the walking dead."  

"Is it possible to pretend that noting happened... Like forget everything . I don't know how everyone does it. Even if something really bad happened to them they still live a good happy life. Why can't i be like them. It's been how many years... Fifteenth. It's Been fifteenth years after my mother my father and my brother has died in a plane crash. And i still can't get over it. How can others get over that kind of stuff after not even five, four years? How?."

"You know how you loose someone important to you, and how you fell like you die with them. Yeah that's how i feel. I don't know how to deal with it anymore. I feel like a zombie. Like living dead."

"But I'm still alive. Still keeping going. And i don't know why. Like someone is waiting for me to find them. Like someone is not letting me give up."  

  ~I'm lost in this place.

I'm lost in my head,

And i can't escape.

I was walking outside. In the high street, looking around. All I'm seeing is people with faces, that i can't describe. They look so... blank. But one face caught my eye. It's so full of life and love. But i can see some pain in there too. I'm confused, how can he be truly happy but still hurt the same time. That person looks at me, and gives me a smile? I'm feel scared and shy. He's walking my way. -Hi, sorry maybe you know any coffee shop near here?.- The stranger asks me so nicely. His face is so flawless. Its just beautiful. His tall body kind of reminds me of a tree. Its weird? Not in a bad, but in a good way. I love how his tattoos makes him look like a painting. -Oh there's one over there.- I point to a 'Nero cafe' that is two minutes away from us. -Thanks.- He was about to walk the direction i showed him to go, but he stops and turns to face me again. - You look so sad do you need a hug, maybe?. - I looked at him strangely. I didn't know what to say to him, ether wanted to. After him just standing there, he just came and hugged me. I was scared, but after few seconds i hugged him back. And that was strange of me. I don't like hugs?So why am i hugging him. I pushed him away and run the way back to my house. I didn't stop until i was in front on my door. I unlocked the door and walked in. I was thinking if it was a good idea to run from the person i liked in a long time.                

~The live is dying,

And we're dying with it.

Im always that kind of person to wake up two, three hours early before going to work. Im a tatto artist so i don't really need to go to work that early, for me six thirtieth is not that early. Because i wake up five sometime even four a'clock. I feel better when im ready hours before leving for work. I don't know why, i just do.

People say that im a good tattooist. I don't think im good or bad. I do it because it takes my mind of things and make me more relaxed.

I walk in a small but cute tattoo shop and see a women  in front of the desk. I like to forget people name.-Hey Bluela, you're early like always.-She gives me a sweet smile, i give one back. I walk in tattoo room, i like to call it that way for some reason.

~After few hours.

 - Bluela can you do this guys tattoo because im busy right now. - I hear Sophie saying to me and someone walking to where i am. I see the same man from yesterday, the same mad i run away from. -Oh hey.- He say walking next to where my chair is. he sounds kind of shy. The question is why. - Im sorry that i scared you. I didn't mean to. I thought you needed a hug. Im sorry.- - It's okay, I... I don't like hugs. - He kind of looked disappointed. And that made me feel sad. He was thinking about something, i could see it from the way he was looking at me.

- What kind of tattoo do you like me to do for you?.- I shylly asked him.          

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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