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i was tagged by Indigo_Rays for 2 things so ill do one here and one on the next page (not tagging people)

Crush?: i have a boyfriend but my bias is sEhUn so yeah

Middle Name?: i dont tell alot of people this. im not embaressed it just never came up. its Rose⚘

Height?: im extremely tall (and fat and ugly) but im 5'7

Shoe Size?: Mens 10 Womens 12

Eye Color?: when i was born my eyes were blue till i was like 3 but now theyre brown

Last time i cried?: 5 minutes ago only because i was listening to Peter Pan and i get emo with that song lmao

Last song i listened to?: El Dorado (El Dorito lmao Reidun)

Last person i texted?: Reidun and my bf

mmk so ill do the other one soon❤ byyeeee

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