A difficult journey through a landscape

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Screaming out in pain I grab my wounded shoulder, tears formed in my eyes from the burning sensation. I knew this was a bad idea from the start, but no one listens to me, not anyone who's sane that is. The sickening feeling at the pit of my stomach overwhelmed me just thinking of the disgusting smirk he formed when he saw me standing by his porch step, with my baggage and a stupid, smiling, idiotic brother next to me. My brother the idiot was clearly happy about his success of dragging me out of the house to meet someone who was his childhood friend. After all he persuaded them to take care of me while he was gone. I still can't understand why I'm not furious with him for what he has done. He knows what the consequences might be and he should understand the danger he was putting me in leaving me there.

I look up from my spot against the hollow tree covered with moss and stare at the pitch black sky, only just realizing how long I have reminisced on what had only happened a few hours ago. With a grunt I lifted myself up from the now dry patch of grass, and started to head towards who knows where, I'm alone; I have no idea where to go. The thought of him finding me almost makes me think that I should have stayed put and waited for the time when my brother would return.

My eyes loom over the path that leads me deeper into the darkness of the woods, clutching my shoulder that was creating a miniature waterfall of blood down my arm. While walking on the path to nowhere I thought about turning back, back to the monster who could fix this. I had to stop the blood or I'll die out here, I guess this was my fault my wound got out of hand but I couldn't think straight back then. I then got an idea; ripping off a part of my shirt with difficulty from the pain of moving the cloth against it, I tied it tight enough around the injured limb.

After I somewhat fixed my shoulder I continued my journey to where I could look for help. As I walked I could hear the faint sound of the creatures of the woods, crickets chirping, owls hooting, to me this is where I would normally feel at peace with the world. The fresh cool wind brushed past me with each step I took. As the landscape started to change so did my mood making the atmosphere resemble the horrors of past nightmares.

The longer I took walking deeper into total darkness wondering when this path would end. The more I started to think of the path as narrow like the tip of a knife, which made my thoughts think of nothing but myself standing at the end of the path with nothing on the other side.

My pulse started to rise when I heard a low growl from behind me, the noise started to echo, I slowly turn and look for the source of the sound until I'm faced with a very hungry wolf baring his teeth ready to pounce. The wolf was a dark grey with a few white patches and amber eyes that would make your blood run cold with anticipation. I hesitantly took a step back until I heard the same echo of growls as before, and then I realized I was surrounded by a pack of wolves.

The ice cold stare of the ferocious beast sent a shiver down my spine, I felt paralyzed out of fear. The leader of the pack begun to get closer and closer until I was face to face with my predator, I wanted so desperately to run and continue running until my legs collapse. My thoughts were interrupted when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain through my right leg, the sudden pain felt like a needle going through my skin and into my veins. Tears sprung to the corner of my eyes and began rolling down my pale cheeks, the pain was unbearable, and the sound of snapping bones and ripping of skin made me snap back into reality and scream in pure agony. The grass was covered in dark red blood, the atmosphere started to become darker and darker. I knew the monster was planning to finish me off for the rest of their pack to feed. I felt my life source drain away and began to think, I began thinking of the reason why I wouldn't fight back and I should just give up. The moment I felt the warm breath and disgusting smell of my own blood still dripping from his mouth, I realized I didn't want to die, not like this anyhow. My life is worth fighting for and now my fight begins just as the sun breaks through the dense woods.


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