Sally McSaggytits: Hey, cutiepie. You ready?
SmolPotato: Wrong username, Sally.
Sally McSaggytits: Oh, my mistake! My boyfriend's username is SmolPotatoe. (I forgot the 'e'.) And my name is Mark.
SmolPotato: Oh. My bad. My name's Jack.
Sally McSaggytits: Well, it's nice to (accidentally) meet you! Can I message you later? Kind of have a date. Haha
SmolPotato: Sure. Have fun with your boyfriend!
Sally McSaggytits: Thanks!... Wait, you're not weirded out or offended that I'm a guy dating another guy?
SmolPotato: Considering I'm doing the same thing, not at all. So yeah, have fun lol
SallyMcSaggytits: Thanks! You seem cool. Text ya later!
SmolPotato: Ok. Bye!
Sally McSaggytits: Hey...
SmolPotato: Hey. What's wrong?
Sally McSaggytits: My boyfriend was cheating on me... I think he said the guy's name is Shane.
SmolPotato: That's terrible! At least he was honest about it.
Sally McSaggytits: He really wasn't... His phone was going off a lot and he kept ignoring it. After a while he picked it up and immediately started smiling. I asked him about it and he wiped the smile off of his face. I caught a glimpse of a message before he cut the screen off, and it started with "Daddy".
SmolPotato: Wait... Did it say "Daddy where are you? I need you" ?
Sally McSaggytits: Yes, those were the exact words now that I recall... Why?
SmolPotato: Because my boyfriend wasn't responding to me and I sent him that exact message...