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Quick disclaimer: So, This story is going to get sexual and smutty so if you don't like that I am sorry but I give you a warning now. The majority of my stories have smut and sex in them and Ig I am just a sexual person. What can ya do about it.. But anyways. This story is my own idea so please don't steal it. I have other stories you can read if ya want btw and you totally should. But anyways enjoy the sequel bro.

Sofia's POV

6 months later

I wake up and sigh.

Another day.

I honestly am just so done with living. The only thing keeping me alive right now is Stella, and Grayson..

Alli and I aren't really friends anymore.

I just kind of stopped talking to her as much and we drifted apart, she tried to be there for me but I just didn't want anyone. Grayson I guess knew better then to just let me drift off because if it weren't for him right now I would be dead.

I get out of bed and walk to Stella's cage across the room and let her out. I make her sleep in a cage because otherwise she jumps on my head all night. But she doesn't seem to mind it, she goes in there to take naps and acts like its her room. Its kind of cute actually.

She follows me back to my bed and is all excited and jumps onto the bed and I sit down and watch her.

she crawls into my lap and licks up my cheek, wagging her tail.

I pet her and wipe my cheek.

She does not realize she is a little too big to be a lap dog because she has gotten pretty big.

But I dont care because she is just adorable and I love her.

I grab my phone and see a text from Grayson.

Gray: Good Morning Sof... hru 2day?

Me: Eh

I really miss Ethan. I feel like NOTHING without him and I hate it. And what I dont understand is how this entire 6 months without him, he hasnt thought about me once, well I dont actually know that. But he hasn't tried to contact me once. He never did. Its like yes I understand I shouldnt have freaked out as much as I did because he was drunk off his ass. I wish I could go back and not break up with him, and not kissed Cameron, and not even fucking gone to that new years party. I regret it so much.

I still Love Ethan. You would think that if he had loved me he would have atleast tried to talk to me afterwards but he just forgot about me, and went back to New Jersey.

I can never get him off my mind and there have been multiple multiple times when I have wanted to text him and tell him how much I miss him, but I dont think he wants me back..

Sorry for the short Chapter. Once I get the story going they will be longer

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