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Conceal, don't feel.

Conceal, don't feel.

Conceal, don't feel.


I hear Anna's voice coming from down the hallway and start picking up my speed to my bedroom. I approach my door just as she turns the corner, reaching for the knob and pulling it open, slamming it shut behind me.

I let out a sigh just as I hear her knocking, jumping a little as the door vibrates against my back from her tiny fist. "Elsa, do you want to build a snowman?"

I feel the first tear run down my face. She comes to my door everyday in hopes that I would say yes. But no matter how badly I want to, I know that I can't. Not since that day happened. The day that I almost killed her. With another tear rolling down my cheek I quietly tell her, "Go away, Anna."

I hear her sniffle, which causes my heart to break even more. "I knew you were going to say that."

I hear her footsteps run down the hallway, followed by the sound of soft crying. To make sure she is gone, I get on my hands and knees and peek under the door. When I see nothing, I get up and go to my window, leaning against the ledge as I look up to the night sky. The moon is shining bright and beautiful, making my blonde hair look silver. 

I cup my hands together and close my eyes as I whisper,"Please moon, if you're listening, bring Anna a friend. I know that I can no longer play with her, or be around her at all and I accept that. Just please, bring her a friend."

I open my eyes, looking at the little particles of snow fluttering into my window. The cool breeze fans across my face and a small smile appears. With a wave of my hand I try to mimic the snowflakes but instead I struck a house's roof, covering it in heavy snow. I let out a frustrated sigh and turn around to my room. 

The scream was something that I had no control over. 

Right before my eyes is the palest boy I had ever seen. His hair is as white as snow, his blue hoodie is old and faded and located in his right hand is a large wooden staff. I stand there frozen in place as my eyes grow bigger in size. 

He floats over to me and sits crisscross in mid air. "You clearly don't understand how dangerous that just was."

 My lip quivers in response as I know he is right. I am a monster after all. "I... I didn't mean to. I just wanted to match the snowflakes." I feel tears rolling down my cheeks as I fluster up. "I don't mean to be a... a monster-"

"A monster?" The boy smiles and drops to the floor, bending down to look me in the eyes. "Elsa, you are not a monster. You are special." 

I blink away the tears and rub my eyes. "How do you know my name?"

He takes a step back and jumps into the air, sitting on top of his staff. "My name is Jack Frost. I'm here to protect you." He twirls his fingers, making little snowflakes appear around the room. My eyes light up as they dance over the snowflakes before looking back to the boy. "I'm just like you, Elsa."

I look him in the eyes and honestly answer, "I thought I was alone."

He smiles again and takes my hand. "You were never alone. There are so many children out there right now that obtain powers just like you. They are gifted." He squeezes my hand gently. "You are gifted. But that also puts you in a dangerous situation. You see, Elsa, a man by the name of Pitch Black is out to get all those that possess a gift. So the man in the moon has requested that a Guardian is to remain with that child all the days of their life." He stands up again and pushes a stray hair away from my face. "And that is where I come in." 

I go to sit on my bed and try to process all of this. The thing that stands out the most though is that I am not alone. I feel Jack sit next to me and I smile up at him. "So you'll be like my big brother forever?" 

He laughs and nods his head. "I guess you can look at it like that. But one day you will be older than me. You're only seven right now so the day you turn twenty will be the day that you'll be  older." He pokes my stomach and I can't help but chuckle. "After all, I am immortal."

I quietly yawn and rub my eyes. "I'm sleepy, Jack."

He pulls the blankets back for me. "Then you should sleep. I will be here when you wake up."

I look up at him with my eyes slowly shutting. "Promise?" 

He leans down and kisses my head, softly. "I promise." 

And from that day on, I was never alone again.


Hello, everyone. 

A couple of years ago I had written this story, finished and published it. I now am back to improve the story line and correct any grammatical errors. So to those who have read Frost Bitten before and liked it, I advise that you stay around and read it again. The  chapters will be longer and the story will be better written. 

I hope you all enjoy this and if you have any questions or concerns please send me a message. 

Thank you for reading and see you soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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