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"Ema submit your assignment", I snapped back to reality at the call of my physics teacher. Now what I am in doldrum . I have left it on my bed in hurry instead took another one. I couldn't afford telling lie I just told the truth and now I am outside while everyone are laughing at me.

School over ,way back to home. No I don't want to go home.I have the ability to make 15min long way to seem like 1hr for the sake of my parents.I walked longest path to my home.

" where have you been"? my mother asked me.

What do you think where I have been."traffic", I just said simply

"Go ,fresh yourself and eat something before we head for your coaching class" mom said .

I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I couldn't believe it they are taking it serious . they think I am not getting anything what I have been taught in school just because that stupid physics teacher and some of my classmates Said her so.

Take my curses you all.

I don't want to argue with her. I just nodded positive.


"Why don't you join your class today in fact now,just have a demo and tell us your views",said that damn man seated in front of us . I just wanted to punch him in his face.

" sure ,why not "replied my mum.

" ugh"

"Well that way I be away from my home for like 2 hours"

I did not need to introduce myself there as they already knew me as miss lazy lad.


I headed for my home after coaching classes as nothing new happened to me there expect that I was staring at my teacher like I was understanding him more clearly.I was so deep in my thought that I didn't realise someone is behind me.oh! My home is like 20 min from here and it is almost 7 now.


Hey its my first story here. I hope you like it.

Comment what you think should I continue or not

It Started With Being A BedwarmerWhere stories live. Discover now