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Chapter 1

First Day of 11th grade

Marie's POV

I was still sleeping when I heard a car beeping from outside my window . I got up and saw that my best friend Natalia was waiting for me !! Oh shit I totally overslept .... I thought to myself remembering last night ! I quickly got dress putting on skinny jeans ,a cute flowy top,and sandals .

I grab my book bag and ran down the stairs stopping at the kitchen to grab a granola bar and then ran out the front door and got inside Natalia's car.

When I got in Natalia says" Good Morning sleepy head."

I said " Good Morning Nat."

Me and Natalia became best friends in the 1st grade when this girl had stolen my favorite pink pencil and she had defended me. Ever since then we been inseparable and we shared everything with each other clothes, shoes, secrets and even families. Natalia was a pretty Puerto Rican girl with really long black hair ,was at least 5'5 and had a lot of guys lusting after her. To be honest me and Natalia were opposites I was still popular and guys like me but I was a little bit quiet and love to study and read book. I prefer studying to boys actually, in all 16 years of my life I have had only 5 boyfriends and they were all jerks. I was that kind of girl that believe in happily ever after and some day I hope I meet my prince charming .

"The party last night was Awesome !!" said Natalia and that was all I heard because we had just gotten to school and there was a long line of traffic.

"Maybe you should get out and go check it out." said Natalia and I quickly said "Hell no girl I'm barely up ,you know I'm tired as hell and you know me I'm to lazy to even walk."

But since I was such an amazing friend I got out and walk up to this big huge group of girls who where crowded around a motorcycle and of course the driver had to be one of the hottest most baddest bad boy to ever exist Alex Mcmichael .

I never understood the attraction girls had to bad boys because all they cause was trouble, but people said that even though Alex was a huge bad boy every girl adore him .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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