We Were Never Normal

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"Amanda! We're going to be late for your friends party!" My mom yells from downstairs.

"I'm coming mom! Give me a second, I can't decide which necklace goes better with this dress!" I stare at the choices in front of me. "Fine, I'll wear the pearl." I mumble to myself and clasp the jewelry around my neck.

"Thank goodness. Let's go, here's Laura's present." My mom hands me a large bag. A gift that my butler picked out.

Laura was merely a person that was heir to a company my mother was interested in. If we got on their good side we could gain shares in their company, and in the future possibly make a deal that could bring in a lot of money. As a rich kid, I never had real friends. Quite sad really.

I stared out the window of the limo. The trees were tall and green and the sky as blue as can be. The sun shone brightly and birds flying past it cast shadows on the pavement. People were walking on the sidewalks with their dogs or kids and enjoying the summer sun. How I wish I could be part of a normal family.

My father is away most days and I sometimes forget what his voice sounds like or what he looks like. My mother married him only for money. I know this because she has told me. Also because I can hear her with other men some nights. The walls in the mansion are not completely sound proof. I'm sure my father has also had affairs. It's not unusual in a family like ours.

"Ma'am, we've arrived at miss Laura's house." The chauffeur addresses my mother, exits the car and opens the door for her. I wrap my fingers around the strings on the bag and follow my mother out of the door. While I am with Laura, she is going to have tea or something with Laura's mom. If Laura was a boy I would most definitely be engaged into the family.

"Amanda! How nice to see your beautiful face again!" Laura's mom pulls me into a hug and I halfheartedly hug her back. I don't hate Laura's mom but I don't like her either. "Nice to see you too Mrs. Smith. Where would Laura be?"

"I believe she's in the parlor. I'll have Philip take the gift to her room. Go ahead and leave it by the staircase." Laura's mom is too fake for my taste. Even my mother isn't as bad as her.

"Thank you, I'll see you later mother." I boredly walk off to the staircase and set the gift down. I walk myself to the parlor and put on a fake smile to greet my so called best friend.

"Laura! Happy birthday!" As soon as I see her I walk up and give her a big hug.

"Thank you Amanda! It's been forever since we've seen each other. I'm glad we could meet today. I would like to introduce you to my friends." I zone out as she rambles on about the other three girls in the room.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Amanda." I greet the three, I didn't quite catch their names. I guess I'll pick them up throughout the day.

Some people call me shallow. Sure, I can be. But if you take time to get to know me, you might be surprised. I enjoy movies just like every other teen. But horror movies are by far my favorite. I pride myself on the fact that I don't get scared by the jump scares. I also enjoy a little fashion. Black is my favorite color but every once in a while I wear grey. However my mother made me wear a coral dress today. Coral. Such a bright color. Not at all what I would choose for myself.

By no means am I a "bad kid" I am actually very well behaved. Of course to a certain level. But when you're rich you get a certain amount of leash. The only bad thing about me is my social life. I don't really have friends. Just my cat. He doesn't care what I say to him. Benji is a good cat.

"Amanda? What do you think?" Laura puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles brightly at me. Ugh I hate her perfect teeth. I want to punch her just to make them crooked.

"Think about what? Sorry." I put up an act and smile back at her.

"Do you want to visit Paris or Rome? My parents are going and said I could bring a few friends with me. I thought maybe you would like to come." She still had a stupid smile on her face.

"I'll have to speak with my mom about it, but Rome is preferable." I would rather not go with her but I know my mom will jump at the idea of sending me away for however long this trip will be.

"I'm sure she will love the idea! I'm just excited to meet all the French and Roman boys. They must be so handsome!" Internally I rolled my eyes but outwardly I giggled.

"So do you have a boyfriend, Amanda?" A small high pitched voice spoke up. One of the girls I don't know.

"No. I don't really want one right now. Do you have one?" I faked interest in the new topic. Who cares about romance. Stupid people who believe that fate is real.

"No, we broke up yesterday." She looked sad. I almost felt bad but then realized that it was her fault for dating at such a young age. She looked maybe eleven. Why would she even need to date? It's not like she's going to be getting married anytime soon.

"That's too bad. I'm sure he is missing out." Another one of the girls spoke up and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. I feigned my sympathy towards her.

After the young girl announced her little break up it got quiet. What else is there to talk about? I'll just let them find a new topic. I pulled out my iPhone and scrolled through my twitter while they talked about how many Snapchat streaks they had. I didn't have a Snapchat. My mother thought I should get one. I don't listen to her often.

I checked the trends on twitter and found one called 'Sever'. It must be a new horror movie. I pulled my headphones out of my shoulder bag and plugged them into my phone to listen to and watch the commercial in private.

I clicked on the link that sent me to YouTube and turned my phone sideways to get a better view.

The scary music started and a small, hollow voice started talking. I got chills down my spine. A loud snap and shrill scream came through the headphones as well. A small smile crept onto my lips. Whatever could this movie be about?

"No please, I have a wife and family to care for!" The camera zoomed in on a males face. He had a look of terror in his eyes. That gave me goosebumps.

"Get ready to be severed." Slash. Scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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