A Life to Remember

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As a little child not knowing what to say or how to act when she only sees her dad once a week, and her mom being on meds which makes her mom in and out of Constance, and makes her act like a zombie.

   One sunny day a wonderful girl named Renee was under her favorite table it was like her protective dome she would go there to color or just to be there. That table made her feel like she would be okay through anything.

   Renee got out from under the table to go sit with her mom but her mom was asleep because of everything she has to take from her doctors. Her mom has to take all those meds because when Renee was just a little baby her mom worked at a job that paid very well, and one day she was driving a forklift and a guy was on his phone and crashed into her it broke her back, and that's when her mom started always having to take medicine. It made Renee felt like her mom wanted nothing to do with her.


                 Chapter Two

   As Renee grew up her mom got better and didn't have to take all the pills that made her act like a zombie. Renee was now nine years old. It was nine thirty in the morning Renee had just woke up she ran to her dad and gave him a big hug because he finally got the day off and her mom was still asleep. Renee was so happy her birthday was in four days and she would be turning nine. Why she loved her birthday was because, every time her birthday was on a school day her dad would make her French toast her favorite. Her dad always made it very special for her and that always made her day especially great. When her mom would wake up she would always race to be the first to sing to her.

   It was now the day before her birthday she was screaming of excitement until her mom came to her and said

" Renee I love you daddy said he loves you to but he said he won't be here for your birthday be cause he has work so he said he wants to be the first to tell you happy birthday he said to tell you happy early birthday. "

   Tears started rolling down her eyes  crying  because it wouldn't be her birthday without her dad.

   " Well at least you have me, and, your two sisters, and your brother I know your thinking ugh I have to be with mommy. "

   Renee laughed.

  " No mommy I love being with you."

   Even though Renee was very sad that her dad would not be there for her birthday he was the first to tell her happy birthday and that made her very happy but she was still dreading going to school she hated going to school because every year she would get bullied by the new people or the same people that bullied her every day.

   It was six thirty in the morning her mom woke Renee up and said HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

   " Guess what I made you."

   " French toast Renee said sad and tiredly. "

   " Yes and I tried to make it as good as your dad's but you know your dad's the bomb and nobody can beat his French toast.

   Renee smiled and slowly got up and went down the stairs with her mom when she got down stair her sister Leila said happy birthday sis. Renee said thank you. Her mom gave her her plate of French toast, and her mom waited until she at a piece to ask if it was good.

    " Is it good sweetie."
    " Yes it is really good mommy thank you."

   Renee got dressed to go to school as she got to school she was doing her usual routine asking her sister if she could hang out with her and her sister would always say no and to go find your own friends it always made her sad.

   The school day was over Renee was so happy she got home and said where is my gifts her mom said pick a hand well she picked the right hand her eyes got super big it was a huge baby doll she was so happy and then she waited for her mom to give her her next gift it was littlest  pet shop. Renee showed her big sister what she had got her big sister's name was Bree, but Bree didn't seem to care she was mostly on her phone Bree wasn't the kind of person to care about others people.

                Chapter Three


    It was later into the night of her birthday when Bree and her mom got into a fight that scared Renee when she was playing with he baby doll and made her cry cause they were yelling at each other and her mom told her brother to go cheer her up his name was Tommy. Tommy came over and was talking to her and made her calm down Renee said this was the worst birthday and she wanted her daddy because her dad could make something so sad turn into something so good because he would always say as long as we have each other we will be fine.

   Renee's mom came to her and sat with her and said.

   " I'm so sorry sweetie."

  " it okay mommy Renee said."

   Renee went to bed that night and woke up to see her dad home and he was sad Renee tried listening to what they were saying but they were talking very low so she decided to go down stairs and ask what was wrong.

   " Daddy what is wrong."

   " Nothing sweetie go back to bed okay."

   " Okay daddy love you mommy love you daddy."

   Renee was worried what happened or what did he do but she had  tired her self to sleep so she had went to bed again.

               Chapter four

   Renee was now twelve years old.

  It was a day after her birthday Renee was crying she had woke up and he stomach hurt so bad and her mom walked in the room and made her calm down

   " What is wrong honey. "

   " My stomach hurts really really bad ."

   Her mom got worried and took her to the doctors they took her in the back to take x-rays on her stomach moments later they said she  had to go into surgery her appendix was about to burst Renee was scared. Her mom called her dad and he dad was at home sleeping because it was only five twenty six in the morning and her dad had now got a new job so he wouldn't be gone away from us anymore.

               Chapter five           

   Renee's dad was very worried because she was his baby girl. Renee went into surgery and she woke up and nobody was there because they had to get her sister to school Renee was laying there trying to pull her self up but she couldn't she hurt to much all she could do was throw up.

   Renee woke up again and her mom and dad was there she could barely stay awake she could barely speak. She was in and out for a long time.

  Renee took all her strength to sit up and the nurse walk in and said.

   " You are the bravest kid I have ever known. I have never seen any grown up or kid sit up right after surgery."

   Renee just kinda looked at her because she didn't really take in what she said at that moment she was to tired and hurting.

   It had been three days after surgery Renee felt way better and they released her to go home and she couldn't go to school for three weeks she was very happy about that. Renee was in sixth grade she was in middle school.

                Chapter six

   Now you are all caught up. It is January 17, 2017 Renee is still going through some things but she will always love her life and it will be a life to remember  and her birthday is in a week. All these events really happened  to me i am still going through stuff but there are worse things that could happen I decided to write about my life since it was close to my birthday.








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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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