Chosen by the Jock the nerd and the badboy (part 2)

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Well Well Well. I got quiet a lot of reads for my first chapter. Not specifically good reads maybe Im not sure but good reads.  It was basically introducing 4 characters in this bit Im going to try to write some more. Yes I know some names are similar to my other book but Im just used to using those names so sorry. This part is dedicated to the person who voted so thank you. Just setting the scene :)

Rose's PoV

Rose looked up at the multiple buildings around her. One blaring loudly with some heavy rock metal music the one opposite blaring classical back just to annoy the occupants. She stared at the key in her hand than looked up groaning as she walked towards house 2c the one blaring heavy music. She stared across at Lisa who was smiling her head of walking forward swivelling her hips she slammed the door open/ Rose peeked past her her mouth falling open at what she saw. Two tall beautiful girls were lounging on the sofa watching TV a small nerdy looking kid crouched up in an armchair reading. But that wasn't what shocked her thing is right behind them the guy from earlier was busy fighting another guy. A tall broad shouldered good looking blond guy wearing rugby uniform. But yet the rest were just ignoring it. "Cool" Lisa said stepping in eying up the Rugby player. The boy reading glanced up a smile covering his face "hey" he called out over the music TV and the sound of breaking glass. "you still cant beat me Damon" Rose heard turning back she saw Rugby boy holding Damon by the throat against a now broken glass cabinet. "oooo" The girls said leaping up "fresh meat" the one on the right said giggling "easy" the one on the left added.. Lisa tossed her hair "who are you" she asked them Rose watched them carefully trying to remain unnoticed. "Jessica" the one on the right said. A tall model like girl with long trailing red hair "Kim" the other one said identical to the other except with short hair. "Gabriel" Rugby guy said letting go of Damon and stepping forward. "Brandon" said the nerdy looking guy standing up. He was fairly tall with short spiky black hair thin as a stick and huge round glasses giving him the aspect of looking like an owl "and we've already met" Damon said rubbing his neck. Kim smiled flashing a grin at Gabriel "so what do we eat around here Im starving" she said taking Gabriel's arm. Rose grinned shaking her head she always had been outgoing always got what she wanted Gabriel didn't know what had hit him she smirked. "we cook our own food" Gabriel said "Damon was surpossed to be cooking but Hes to busy out harassing the opposite gender to cook" he said scathingly. Damon snorted "harassing is a bit of a strong word just spicing up there life is what I call it" he said walking out of the room. Gabriel glared after him "is that why you were fighting" Rose asked. Everyone turned to look at her "why I never even asked your name" Gabriel said grinning "Rose" she answered looking shocked at the glares red head twins were giving her. She shivered slightly "I can make tea if you want" she said to them. "Yes you should new girl" the twins chimed in sitting back down and turning up the TVV. Brandon shook his head sitting back down propping open his book. Kim grinned talking non stop to Gabriel as rose walked to the kitchen. She rummaged through the cupboards smiling "how do fajitas sound" she called "fa-what" the twin's cat called back "never mind you'll see" Rose answered grabbing a chopping board. She cut the chicken up tossing it into a pan she was suddenly aware of Gabriel cutting up the peppers "what you doing" she asked turning to him "helping the new girl" he said winking at her "chickens burning" he said raising an eyebrow. Rose swore turning around she scooped the chicken into the bowl "eaten these before" she asked quickly frying the peppers than adding them to the chicken. She placed it on the table with the wraps and sauces "yes once" he answered sitting down drawing out the set next to him. Rose grinned as the rest of them came in Jessica sitting in the seat Gabriel had drawn out "thanks" she said resting her hand on his face. Rose shrugged her shoulders sitting next to Brandon "so what were you reading" she asked him passing him the plate of wraps "science book" he answered pushing up his glasses as he took a wrap in one hand. "what got a test already" she asked him "naw its light reading" he answered "didn't look light what isn't that book like six pounds" Lisa remarked. Rose smiled watching the rest as they started to eat.

Rose sighed staring at the TV the rest had already gone to bed including Lisa which was a shocker. She couldn't get to sleep so was watching the late news. Something about a load of arsonists near to the school that hadn't been caught yet. She jumped as the door slammed shut the smell of alcohol and smoke filling the air as Damon strode in collapsing onto the chair opposite her. "what" he asked her glaring "nothing nothing" she said standing up "there's still some food left by the way" she said he smirked "mind doing that often cooking when its my turn" he asked jumping up "no way" Rose spat back shocked. He chuckled moving close to her "I can make it worthwhile for you" he said placing his hand on her shoulder "I know how to make you happy" he said looking into her eyes "no way" she yelped moving back she walked to her room slamming the door angrily "keep it down" Kim mumbled


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2010 ⏰

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