Chapter 1

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"Oh my god I can't believe your mom actually dyed your hair!!" One of my best friends, Jackson Wang exclaimed through the computer monitor. I looked down at my now long blonde hair with pink tips. "Well, she really wanted to start completely over... I'm just glad she didn't tell me to stop talking to you, BamBam, and Chanmi." I said with a shrug. I then got a notification that BamBam and Chanmi wanted to join the call. "Well, speak of the devils." I joked as I clicked accept. As soon as their videos loaded, Chanmi and BamBam grinned at me. "Hey!!" They spoke in unison. I laughed softly and waved at them. "Oh your hair looks so good!" BamBam said excitedly. "Mine? Look at yours! Blue really suits you." He flipped his hair with a grin. "Why thank you~" Chanmi rolled her eyes. "So, when are you going to school again?" She asked, raising a brow. "Oh yeah... You have to go to a new school now..." Jackson and BamBam frowned.

"Well, mom says that it'll either be tomorrow of next week..." I shrugged. "I'm hoping next week so my leg will have more time to heal..." I shivered at the memory.

- flashback -

I was just minding my business, walking through the halls, thinking everything had finally gotten better for me since I broke up with HIM. I saw him walking with Chaera everyday, holding hands, kissing... He got what he wanted. I shook my head at the sight of them and turned around, only to be faced with two angry underclassmen that I had never even seen before.

"Yah! Eunbi! Who do you think you are to cheat on Mark? Do you think you're better than him?!"

I blinked in confusion. "Cheat? I'm not the one who was cheating." I shook my head. "You two must be really confused. Whoever told you that is lying."

The black haired girl rolled her eyes at me. "Yeah right you little liar!" Then, the both of hem proceeded to grab my arms. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Let go of me!!" I yelled at them. They started to drag me towards the stairwell. "This is for hurting Mark!" One of them yelled. Then, they let go of my arms and pushed me roughly, making me tumble down the stairs. I could hear their laughter very faintly, but it was drowned out by the ringing in my ears. All I could hear before I passed out was Jackson's voice.

"Oh my god! Eunbi!!"

- end flashback -

Jackson frowned at me. "I'm sorry I didn't make it in time to help you..." I shook my head. "Jackson, it's not your fault... It's Mark and Chaera's..."

"But either way you got hurt, Eunbi." The blue haired boy said with a frown. "BamBam, I'll be fine, really!" I smiled. "Now cheer up! We'll get to hang out this weekend after all!"

Then, Chanmi and BamBam looked away from the camera sheepishly. "Guys?" I questioned. "I'm sorry Eunbi... I got grounded." He explained with a frown. Chanmi rubbed the back of her neck. "I have to go to the U.S with my parents, sorry..."

I couldn't help but frown at that. "Oh... Well, that's fine! Jackson and I can hang-" "Um... that's a negative, sorry." He said with a nervous laugh. I looked away from the computer. Wow. All of my friends were busy? And here I am, probably stuck at home because my leg is still broken. Fuck this.

"That's fine... We can try again next weekend." I said, wincing as I tried to move my leg off the chair it was laying on. I could hear a phone ringing from Chanmi's video. "Oh, I gotta go. You gonna be okay?" I nodded in response. "Yeah. Go on ahead it's probably important." Chanmi frowned, but nodded as she ended the call.

So, it's just me, Jackson, and BamBam now, huh?

"Hey, I gotta go too. Promise you won't forget me while you're there??" BamBam said with a pout. "How could I forget the Dabbing King?" I joked, using my old nickname for him. I could see him cringe. "Oh god, please never call me that again." He said, sinking down in his seat. "Oh? How about-" "No! I'm leaving before you use another cringeworthy nickname! Love you, bye!!" Then, he left the call.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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