The Basics of How We Work

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As a growing organisation, we would like to establish certain steps before we take any action on accounts. These steps may or may not change from time to time, but we are expecting they will go out effectively.

Firstly, we would like you to take some action on your own. If, however, you are finding trouble with these steps or are needing of extra assistance, feel free to PM us or comment on any chapter of any of our books. We will respond as soon as possible.

This is generally how we manage and measure levels of rudeness and offence. If you PM us the chapter, page, or book of whatever happened, we will take a look of the level before taking action. Keep in mind that there may be exceptions in every situation.

Level 1: Polite TakeDowns
This is when the people involved are simply "roasting" each other or giving barely any critique. We believe that this should not be regarded as any true level of bitchiness or rudeness. Keep in mind that we will take time to investigate the accounts and watch for a few days before we take any action, however, so this level could quickly escalate into higher levels within a week.
Action - Investigation and observation of all accounts involved for around 2 days and judgement within those 2 days. Usually if the situation stays at this level, no direct contact between us or the accounts will result. If the situation escalates after, we will be back on the case.

Level 2: Stalking
We consider stalking as any action taken by an account to go on other unrelated accounts or stories and comment or post harsh messages. We do take a lot of consideration into this, and this may be confused with Level 0. The difference is that we will regulate any contact between two accounts and see if they have had previous contact with each other earlier in order to find out if they were, in fact, just joking or really taking each other down.
Action - Deep investigation and observation between accounts and the history shared between them for around 3-5 days and judgement in about 2 days. If the situation, is in fact, a stalker report, we will take certain actions upon it reflecting the severeness of the actions of the accounts. The action we will take will range from simply replying to comments to PMs and conversations between accounts.

Level 3: Heckling
This level is the step that includes habits such as either repeatedly commenting a common theme or repeatedly commenting on a profile or story. We take in a lot of consideration of the owner of the account at this stage, particularly the (probable) age, level of education, social status, and possibly history on other sites. Profiles that get to this level may be considered as cyberbullies and are actual criminals.
Action - Investigation on behaviours and statuses of the account for about a week and judgement within 2 days. If the profile does fall under this category, we will personally PM the account with a stern notification and red flag the account to prepare for any action regarding shutting the profile down if the situation escalates.

Level 4: Cyberbullying
This is the final level that we can deal with. Actions that fall under this account include: repeatedly posting rude or offensive messages to other's profiles and stories, involving other friends to help harass accounts or stories (these other accounts will be dealt with accordingly as well), and showing evidence of dedicating time to make another user's experience worse. These behaviours are deemed illegal by the Canadian, American, and many other countries' laws, and could be followed up by legal action.
Action - After following red-flags closely, we will immediately stop any action that we deem to explicitly harm or degrade other account(s). The account will be reported to the overriding establishment with evidence of bullying and shut down immediately. Closely related accounts will be investigated and taken action upon as well. The victims will be condoled and added to the Victims Survivor Book, along with gifted a certificate. This level will only take place after many levels of warnings, so it is fair that they are officially shut down.

If you have any questions regarding our system, feel free to comment or PM us! If you would like to report an account, please feel free to PM us with links to the sites of harassment. Our only goal is to help you.

Otherwise, keep reading for tips on how to defend yourself against offenders!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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