The murder in the club

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Nina, Catalina, and Samira were all waiting for Hailey to get there so they can discuss what she has been hiding from them for a week straight.

"Maybe she won't show" Catalina said.

" Yes she will she always shows up when she has something important to tell us"Samira said.

"Shhhhh everyone can't text when everyone is talking" Nina screamed.

" ooooo" everyone said at once.

" who you texting your crush" Catalina said noisily.

"No idiot Hailey"Nina said irritated.

" gee don't get all prissy pants with me" Catalina said.

"Guys stop fight__" samira said while she was interrupted.

"Hey guys". Hailey said happily.

" I was just trying to text you lol" Nina said

"Everyone lets get to the point hailey what's up" samira said.

" ok well I can't tell you alekia and maliyah aren't here." Hailey said

"Ahh man I'm gonna call them" Nina said.

On the phone

"Hey alekia can you come down to 120 unicorn road ASAP." Nina said

"Um sure wats up??" alekia asked.

"I dont no hailey won't tell us." Nina said.

"Ok I'll be there soon should I ask maliyah??"

"Yes please do and thanks". Nina said

"Bye". Alekia said as she hung up.

"So is she coming??" Catalina asked.

"Yes I think so is maliyah" Nina said.

20 minutes later

The murder in the clubWhere stories live. Discover now