"New Day"

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It was a calm day in DillyDale, everyone was happy, estatic as always. Some of the people were setting up in the middle of town for apparently a "New Arrival". Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine were standing on stage, prepping themselves to present her to the whole town like if their lives depended on it. Everyone gathered 'round that stage as soon as they heard there was a town meeting.

"Good Morning Dillydale! I hope you all are ready-"
"For some exciting news!" said Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine.

The whole town murmured and whispered as if wanting to know what was going on. They all cheered in excitement to find out.

"Good to hear an enthusiastic audience! The exciting news is that we have a new comer to our happy little town. Isn't that just wonderful Little Miss Sunshine?"

"Why yes, it is because she is actually different than the other wonderful people here!" Ms.Sunshine giggles to the side

"How different?" replied Ms. Curious.

Mr. Happy smiles and signals Mrs.Sunshine to bring out the newcomer. She nods and gets off stage, a few minutes later she comes back with a girl in a hospital gown.

"What's so special about her? She looks like a regular person to me!" cried Ms. Scary angrily.

"So glad you asked Ms.Scary! The reason why this lovely person is different from the rest of us is because-"

"She has the terrible case of amnesia. We found her on the tippy top of Mount Dillydale, covered in snow and bruises, so we brought her into our local hospital. We were so excited to meet her, but to our surprise, she couldn't remember a thing!"

Everyone gasps and whispers to each other. Mr. Happy takes out a hat and places it on the table in front of him.

"Does everyone see this hat? Just what does this hat do Ms. Sunshine?"

"This hat is to see who will be the lucky citizen to watch our newcomer until she feels better! They just put their names in this hat, we raffle, and whosever name we pick out, they win!"

"Woah! Amnesia? That sounds scary. I'll do it!" shouted Ms.Scary

"Hmph! Knowing you, you'd just scare the poor dear. I'll do it!" exclaimed Mr. Persnickety

The crowd's hands rose one by one. Everyone crowding around the hat, writing their names and putting their pieces of paper inside.
      From afar, sat Mr.Grumpy, drinking some coffee and reading a newspaper on a bench. He looked to the crowd in front of him and frowned.

"What are those happy idiots up to now?"
He scoffs and continues to read his newspaper.

Mr.Strong walks by and stands infront of him. Mr.Grumpy sighs and lowers the newspaper down a bit to show his eyes.

"What do you want, Mr. Strong?"

"I was heading to the meeting, looks like they're doing some kind of raffle... aren't you coming too?"

"Thanks but no thanks, I don't feel like walking at the moment."

"Oh! I'll help with that!"

Mr.Strong picks up Mr.Grumpy and heads to the meeting.


Mr. Strong carries Mr.Grumpy all the way to the crowd and gets two pieces of paper from Ms.Sunshine. They both wrote their names and toss it into the hat. Mr.Happy shakes the hat for a few moments.

"There, you happy now!?"

"Aw, now, come on Mr. Grumpy! We're doing this for the greater good!"

"Greater good my- ??"

Mr. Grumpy looks to the stage and sees the newcomer, staring at him. Their eyes meet for the total of two seconds. His heart raced and he felt quite nervous for a bit. As soon as she realized she was staring, she gets flustered and looks away.

"That was weird..." exclaimed Mr. Grumpy
"What was?"
"Well, the newbie and I locked onto each other, but then she quickly looked away..."
"You think it means something Mr.Grumpy?" asked Mr.Strong
"I highly doubt it. It was just a coincidence, and the chances of me getting picked are one in a million. Completely impos-"
As soon as Mr.Happy finishes shaking the hat, Ms. Sunshine takes out a piece of paper and holds in the air.
"WINNER, WINNER!! Our lucky person to be picked was.... MR. GRUMPY!!"
"WHAT!?" exclaimed the crowd.
"...... -of course.."
"Talk about one in a million, eh Mr.Grumpy?" says Mr.Strong, nudging Grumpy.
The tired old man sighs, heads up the stage and stands next to the lady.
"Well well Mr.Grumpy, how does it feel to be watching our new guest?"
"...wonderful" said Mr.Grumpy sarcastically
He looks to the woman standing next to him and puts out his hand.
"Well, nice to meet you ma'am. Names' Mr.Grumpy, and I'll be the one to show you around, is that alright?"
The girl nods her head and shakes his hand. His hand felt warm and pleasant, which made her smile. For almost a full minute, she didn't let go.
"M-Ma'am? May I have my hand back now?"
She quickly lets go in embarrassment and looks to the ground. Mr.Grumpy paid no mind and began to step down the stage.
"Come on! I really don't wanna be here with those idiots when they begin to celebrate, so we'd better hurry while we can.."
Mr.Grumpy leads the girl through the park on the way to the street, but not a word was spoken from neither of them. For once in his life, he felt tense at the sound of silence, so he attempted to start a conversation with her.
"So.." as he clears his throat, "What do you think of Dillydale so far?"
The girl shrugs and nods. He was expecting an answer but, again, paid no mind. The girl followed him like a duckling would follow its mother through their travels. He looks back to her, and stops walking. The girl stopped and looked at him puzzled.
"L-Look, I know we just met, and you don't know me, and probably don't even trust me, but I won't bite.. You can talk to me.."
She looks worried and shakes her head, then looks around for something. She spots Mr.Nosy and Mr.small on the bench, drawing on a small whiteboard playing tick tack toe.
"I believe it's your turn Mr.Nosy"
"Alright! I bet I'll win this time!" Exclaimed Mr.Nosy, as he placed an X in the middle. The lady ran up to the two and waved.
"Ah! Hello my friend! Are you interested in playing a small game of tick tack toe with us?"
Asked Mr.Small. The lady shakes her head and points to the whiteboard in Mr.Nosy's hand. She points to her mouth, indicating that she can't speak. She is mute.
"Oh! You wanna use the white board? Sure! Here ya go!"
They hand her the board and marker, waved goodbye, and pulled out another one. The lady runs back up to Mr.Grumpy and begins to write on the board. When she finished, she turned it around and showed it to him. It said;
"I'm sorry, I don't wanna speak because I don't know how I sound, and I'm too scared to find out. I think the town is great so far."
Mr.Grumpy smirks to the short girl and chuckles.
"Well at least there's someway for us to communicate." He continues to walk down the path.

Amnesia SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now