My Brother's Bride

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Hello people.....This z one of my favourite one shot I have written till now....Please read and give me your reviews.... Do vote and comment..... Stay blessed!!

Radhika stood in front of the mirror beautifully dressed in her red dazzling wedding attire…she was decked with jeweleries from head to toe but she wasn’t even a bit happy with her marriage which was supposed to happen in few hours….Her eyes welled up,” Arjun…I wish we had met in some different circumstances… I wish I wasn’t brought here to marry your brother but you… I couldn’t even confess my feelings for you…” She sobbed clutched his Rolex watch in her hands.

Her mind travelled to the past remembering how she met him that day and how she lost her heart to that man who can never be hers.

6 months ago..
Radhika stood holding her luggage on the airport…She was told that her fiancé will receive her but the big problem was they had never met each other…Still she was told that he had seen her pic so it won’t be difficult for him to spot her in crowd…her forehead ceased with lines worries…it was almost an hour but still she was standing in one corner….

She was lost in her thoughts and gulping her vanilla latte in her goplet just then someone tapped her shoulder….Her eyes opened wide seeing a man clad in jeans and jacket….But the real shock was that he didn’t wore anything inside the jacket which was hardly covering his bare torso….his chest was covered with lipstick marks and nail marks….

Radhika stared at him with a awful expression…She gave him a disgusting look and tried to walk pass him But he caught her wrist and inquired in a firm tone,” Radhika right?!”

She glanced at him at him with fury and spoke in a harsh tone,” So you are ayush….my so called would be husband….Do you have any idea how much time you wasted of mine….I am standing here for almost 1 hr now….all people are giving me weird unreadable expressions only because of you….When I was busy torturing my legs here you were enjoying with some random female in your bed….if you wanted to sleep all around with chicks then why you brought your alliance for me….why?!….She asked again with tears in her brown eyes,” Why Ayush?!…why?!”

He stared at her for a minute and burst out laughing,” Oh God such a big confusion….” He controlled his giggles with much difficulty,” Radhika…I am not Ayush….I am Arjun, his cousin brother…..He was busy in a meeting so he asked me to pick you up from airport….I am sorry for the being late.”

As the realization dawned her….She cutely brought a guilty expression in her brown crystal orbs which were burning with rage few seconds ago….

Radhika politely apologized,” I am so sorry….I thought you are Ayush….I am really sorry.”

Arjun smiled,” Its OK…Well its quiet surprising that you never saw your would be husband’s face….”

Radhika mumbled,” Its shocking…But we have talked over phone for couple of times.”

Arjun,” Yah I know….He talks about you at times.”

Radhika eye pupils enlarged like a curious kid,” What he says about me?!”

Arjun chuckled,” He z sophisticated but he says you are his total opposite and you both are like chalk and cheese.”

Radhika pouted,” What a weird stupid comparison…..was he hit straight in his brains?!”

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