First Day of Love

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Previously, Mayura and Shimon confessed their love on each other. This time, the lovely love is here to show their lovely relationship to one another. (IDK:-P )

Early Wednesday morning
Mayura hurried to go to school due to she forgotten to study for a big test that their having this week. Mayura hurried and hurried to prepare her self for school. She run towards school and studies all the lessons that they taken up for the test.

Lunch time
Mayura is feeling the romantic excitement about the meeting (date) with her boyfriend, Shimon after school while she eats her lunch. Some of her friends noticed her behavior and came close to ask what is all about the weird feeling that she feel.

"Mayura, is there something wrong? Your kinda acting weird. Is there something wrong?" Her (hmmm...let's just call this friend...Sarah :) ) friend asked slamming her hand on Mayura's desk.

"N-nothing!" Mayura replied with some negation sound.

"Are you sure? Your really acting weird. Surely your up to something," the friend (let's call her Mary) folded her arms acting very curious about Mayura.

"It's nothing, really," Mayura responds very nervously and very thrilled.

"Come on Mayura. We know your hiding something very important!" Sarah begged.

"Whatever it is, just tell us right away. We might help you or something," Marry is a little too stubborn.

"W-wait.......your acting really blushy and you have a boyfriend?! Or maybe...... Your inlove with the guy you mentioned to us days ago?!" Sarah embarrassed Mayura yelling at her and teasing at her.

"WH-WHAT?! N-N-NO, IM JU-JUST........N-NO, WAIT.......IT-ITS N-NOTHING......R-REALLY......She said shyly and nervously

" I'm watching you Mayura," Sarah responded.

Both of them left without saying goodbye nor see you later. Later on, Mayura grabbed her lunch but she just noticed she left it at the Seika Dormitory that she just past by earlier in the morning before going to school with Beni and Roku.

"Oh no! :( I think I'm just gonna skip lunch then. Geez I'm so forgetful! Ugghhhh :(," she wiped her face with her two hands, very disappointed and very felt down.

She left her classroom momentarily and headed to the school front gate. She didn't know Sarah and Marry followed her very quiet without Mayura knowing. They hide behind the bushes while Mayura sits at the bench nearby the gate. She waited until the bell rings but unfortunately, Shimon made it in time to bring Mayura's lunch without the end of the break.

"Otomi, here's your lunch," Shimon just walked over in front of Mayura.

"Shimon, thank you very much! You just made my day happy! <3," She smiled and glared at Shimon.

"Your welcome. about the thing you said for this afternoon?" Shimon sat down beside Mayura and didn't faced Mayura while he was talking because of his blush and pounding heart which he doesn't want for Mayura to notice.

"Oh. Well......I was planning to use my pocket money for lunch but you just brought it just in time. But, I removed that thought out of my head because I'm planning to save it for a special dinner and outing," Mayura said while eating her lunch that Shimon brought it to her.

Marry and Sarah is picking (watching I should say) at the bushes while Shimon and Mayura is having a conversation together.

"Marry, I knew it! She is hiding a boyfriend all along. That explains why she's making that flirty look earlier," Sarah whispered.

"Hmmm...... He's looking pretty hot though........ Both of them belong together....... They make a good couple..... <3," Marry blushed.

"Yeah but, isn't that guy suppose to be an exorcist? I saw that guy a week ago around somewhere at the streets looking like an exorcist.....Damn, Mayura is a lucky girl having a guy to look after her......... Very lucky Mayura.......with a perfect guy for her," Sarah covered her mouth and whispers to Marry.

13 minutes later. Back to Mayura and Shimon.

"Mayura, should I pick you up after school?" Shimon asked without still facing Mayura.

"Sure." Mayura finished her lunch.

"Great. I will try to make it in time,"

Bell ring at school. They had a lesson on PE (PHYSICAL EDUCATION).

Break time on PE.

"Mayura, you lied to us. You said everything is all right earlier but now we know your hiding a boyfriend without telling us you have one!" Sarah yelled without an angry expression shown to Mayura.

"Wh-what! How did you know??!!!" Mayura screams with shyness and blush.

"We spy on you earlier. Your planning to do something this afternoon together at the town, right?" Marry assumed.

"W-well, yeah...... But......can you keep this a secret?" Mayura softly said.

"Unless you introduce us to him!" Sarah shouted with a happy tone.

"I guess it's OK..... Nothing bad will happen," Mayura responds.

Next part will be out as soon as I can.
Sry for late publish due to the contest I've attended far away for 1 week.
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