Untitled Part 1

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A/N: Hi guys! Here's another Bechloe story in my head. I very much appreciate my beta waatp for a big part in this journey! Don't own anything but I sure wish I did. Let me know what you guys think. :)

Beca Mitchell sat on her bed, her back propped up by pillows and her feet crossed at the ankles. She was drawing a lazy circle on the soft blankets with her hand, trying to distract herself from the single, constant thought currently running around in her mind.

The phone on her nightstand buzzed, announcing a new text with its stupidly cheerful tune. Groaning, she moved for the first time in an hour and swung her legs over the side of the bed, planting both feet firmly on the floor as she scooped up her cell. Quickly reading the message, she was almost relieved to see it was from Amy, asking her if she was still acting like Miss Haversham. Beca sighed. Since splitting up from Jesse, three months before, she'd become a bit of a hermit, only leaving her apartment to go to work and the grocery store. It was the way she wanted to be. It meant she could concentrate on her work.

Or that was what she continuously told herself.

She missed Jesse. She missed him a lot. But it had been her decision in the end to finish their relationship. She still loved him and the easy way the relationship had developed over the three years they were together. He'd proposed to her over a moonlight picnic one evening in the summer, saying all the right words and promising all the right things. He looked so hopeful as he waited for her answer; the one that would unify their lives and pave their road together.

He didn't expect for her to bury her face in her hands and burst into tears. He had started to stutter and apologize that the ring was small but he'd get her something bigger if that's what the reason she was so upset. But the trouble was, as she tried to explain to him without hurting his feelings, that she didn't know what she wanted. Reassuring him that it was her, not him, they'd parted that night without ever really resolving anything except Beca's steadfast conviction that they couldn't be together any longer.

She'd spent the next day in bed, with the covers pulled up over her head, ignoring her phone and the knocks on her door as word got around that the Power Couple of Barden University were no longer together. Jesse kept their break up respectful and spoke no ill of his former girlfriend and as yet, still hadn't pushed Beca for a real reason to their breakup.

Beca was dreading that day. How could she tell him the truth? She was in denial about the whole thing and yet every time she thought about it, she got a flicker of excitement deep down in her gut. She was so conflicted, alternating between hating herself one minute, forgiving herself the next and then getting all confused about the truth.

The truth was that she had fallen for her best friend. Chloe.

She'd laid awake at night for the longest time, thinking how it had all started. She tried to understand within herself if she'd been hiding her own feelings for a long time or was this rush a new thing.

'I'm not gay.' Beca softly repeated to the room, the phrase in her head on a constant loop. 'I still like men.'

She was a little angry at Chloe as her mind drifted back to the World's Championship in the summer. Was she truly so overcome with emotion that the Bella's had won the crowd over, defeating Das Sound Machine, who, until the Bella's had stepped onto the stage had been the favorites to win, that she didn't realise what she was doing at the after party when Chloe had gone around hugging and congratulating everyone.

This was nothing new as far as Chloe was concerned but she'd stopped in front of Beca and comically leant down to kiss the top of Beca's head. Beca had playfully slapped her away as Chloe pulled her into another bear hug but as Chloe moved to kiss Beca's cheek, a gesture of friendship, Beca had turned her head a split second too early and their lips had met.

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