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“I swear, Imma fuckin' kill Cuz!” Andre shouted as he pounded his fist into his hand. His blood was boiling under her skin as he stared at the knuckle-made bruise on Masikas rib cage. His mother always taught him to never hit a woman, especially if she did nothing to deserve it. He watched his own mother get beat up as a child and to know the woman he loved was dealing with it pissed him off.

     “Andre, no! You can't kill him.” Masika said frantically as she shook her head. “Why are you stickin' up for his punk ass?” Andre asked. “If you don't want me fucking him up because he is your husband, than don't tell me about this shit, anymore!”

      Masikas mouth dropped open from Andres demands. She knew he was angry, but did he have to be so harsh? She instantly regretted ahowing him her bruise and put the meg band ade back over it.

     Andre watched her and knew she was upset. Andre had been Masikas secret for a few months now and he loved her like she was his own. In the beginning, he knew his role and accepted it. He was who Masika would cry to when her husband was out doing his dirt. And even though they had feelings, the two were nwver intimate. Andre would cook and care for her and they would lay in his bed in their underwear, just talking. Andre knew that Masika would never truly cheat on her husband, but he wished she would. Masikas husband went from cheating to punching on her when she confronted him.

    “Look, Masika, I love you! And I can't sit by and watch you get hit and disrespected by some clown and do nothing. That' s an insult to my manhood, baby. You can't protect him from this ass whoopin'. I really want to kill his ass.” Andre said.

   “Andre, if you kill him, then I can never see you again. I will be the first person the cops look at.” Masika pleaded. For a while, they alsat in silence. ndre just stared at his fists and Masika stared at her wedding band. She honestly did not care what haopened to her husband. In her mind, carma was taking too damn long to dial his number. But she knew without her husband, she would have nothing. She had no money and no standing in the world. The only people that made it all worth something wete he son, Isaiah and Andre. She knew she could not keep defending her husband. She also knew she could not keep expecting Andre to do nothing.

     Andre stood and looked Masila down. “If you won't let me kill his ass, then you will have to let me teach you how to defend yourself. Get up!”

    Masika wiped her eyes dry and Andre helped her to her feet. He spread her legs and placed her in a defense stance. As Andre worked to teach Masika, she could not help but fall deeper in love with Andre. No man had ever loved her this much to teach her something that she could uae to better her life. She knew that Andre was the better man for her and Isaiah.

      Once the night was over, Masika picked up her son and they headed home. Isaiah sat in the living room and played with his toys while Masika made dinner. Her mind and heart were with Andrw and she wanted to desperately to be with him, tonight.

       Within 30 minutes, the locks were turning and Masika stood at the entrance to the kitchen. Her heart was racing but she kept her cool. Juat as she suspected, Josiah came stumbling into the foyer; smelling like Hennesy and womens perfume. Masika felt sick as the 6 figure making, handsome I V league man she fell for was now just a two timing drunk ass waist of space.

       Josiah looked at Isaoah before locking eyes on Masika. His vision was blurry as he headed towards her. “Where is my shot at?” Josiah asked. Masika looked him into hia blood shot eyes and tried not to break down under their gaze. She was done being Josiahs bitch.

      “Josiah, I can smell Hennesy all over you. You have had enough for the night. You shoild go take a shower and dinner is almost done so….”

    “Bitch, did I ask for your opinion? I said where the fuck is my shot?” Josiah shouted in MSikas face. “Josiah, you don't need to be calling me names in front of Isaiah.” Masika said. She knew it was about to go down.

     Josiah grabbed Masika by her neck and placed their faces close together. “Look, bitch?”

“Mommy!” Isaiah jumped from his tpys and ran towards his mom. “Isaiah, baby, go get your overnight bag from my room, now.” Masika was able to get out. Isaiah raced up the stares and Josiah gripped her neck evdn harder. “You dumb ass bitch. What the fuck I say about….”


   Masika raised her hand and back handed Josiah across the face; zending her ring in the direction of his eye. Josiah let her go and placed his hand over his eye. She lifted her foot and sent her heel into his private area. Once he was kneeled over, she kicked him in his face and broke his nose.

    Masika kneeled down and stared him in his good eye. “Let this be the last time you raise yo fuckin hands to me in a way that I don't condone. Now, as I said before. You xlearly have had way to much to drinl. So my son and I will see ourselvesourseao you can sober up, alone. And by the smwll of the cheap ass perfume, you clearly have had enough puasy for the night.”

    Isaiah came down the stairs and the two rushed out of the house and into Masikas car. Once she was about three blocks away, Masika was able to calm down. She knew that there was only one place ahe wanted her and Isaiah to be. She jumped on the freeway and headed to Andres.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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