Is He The One?

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Yoongi imagine!
I came from a somewhat wealthy family. Big house, nice cars, basically anything you'd ever desire, but there was one thing I hated about it and one thing only. Arranged marriage. My mother decided it'd be her job to find me a most suitable husband. After 4 failed attempts my mother remained hopeful and angry. "Y/n I will not be embarrassed by you again! The next young man I choose will be your husband and that's final!" She yelled as we walked in the house after I brutally rejected the young man she so thought would be good for me. "You know that's not what I want!" I said. "It's not about what you want Y/n it's about keeping your fortune going with someone of your own class" she said not even looking at me. "I refuse to marry without love" I said angrily. "Once your with him long enough you'll begin to love him" she said with a smirk. I stomped up stairs to my room. I decided to take some time to myself, read a book? take a bath? "Hmm, I'll read a book in the bath" I thought and so I did. Once I got out I saw a gorgeous red dress on my bed and some nude heels. "Hurry up hunny we're going for dinner" my mother yelled from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and got dressed. Once we got the the restaurant I knew what this was. Another possible husband my mother has gotten her hands on. "Y/n this is Yoongi, Min Yoongi, he's the son of your fathers old friend" she said smiling. "Hello, Y/n a pleasure to meet you" he said. "The pleasure is mine" I said. We all sat down to dinner as my mother asked him questions about his life and his personality. He was quite handsome and somewhat sweet. I sometimes caught him looking at me and it made me a little nervous. After we were done we would head home. "Y/n why don't you let Yoongi escort you home me and your father are gonna stay out a bit" my mother said. "If that's alright with you" Yoongi said. "Uh yeah I'm fine with it" I said slightly feeling butterflies in my stomach. "Ugh what's wrong with me" I mumbled under my breath. We got in his car and he drove me home. "Y/n I can tell you don't like this arranged marriage thing" he said. "Oh it's that obvious?" I giggled "I hate being forced to do something I don't want to" I said a bit more seriously. "I hate it too" he laughed. "I can't lie though, you've caught my interest" he said shyly. I quickly turned to him and then back out the window. "I didn't mean for that to sound so weird" he smiled. "I meant that your a beautiful girl and your very mysterious you just caught my eye" he said. "I- th-thank you Yoongi" I said blushing. "What's wrong? Has no one called you beautiful before?" He asked. "Oh no that's not the problem. Usually guys that I meet give me dirty looks and expect things more on the sexual side and try to seduce me and I find it disgusting" I said angrily. He seemed a bit shocked. "Is that true? Why would anyone do that? Especially the first time you meet" he questioned. "I don't mean to offend you but like me and my sister always say, men are men" I said. "I won't disagree there, but you know, all men aren't the same" he said as we finally reached my house. "Yeah, I'm waiting to meet the different one" I winked and giggled as I got out of the car and walked toward the door. "Your so silly" he got out of the car. "You know Y/n we should meet again" he said. "Maybe we should" I said as I closed the door. Why did I say that? I agreed to meet him again! "What to do" I said scratching the back of my head. I couldn't sleep with him on my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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