C.1 Jessie's POV

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Coldness sweeps throughout the town. Eerie winds viscously scraped trees. The chill sent a shiver down my spine. Slowly I can feel the air squeezing through my coat as the walk continues to get longer. As my shoes struggle to contain heat, my tiny socks work hard to help. Eagerly my feet look for warmth. Although I'm almost to my destination, my mind sees millions of treacherous miles to walk. Hunting for strength, my legs drag from step to step. While I continue in the horrible weather, I have one thing in mind; warmth. Just a few more feet and I'll be free from the cold howling winds.

Finally the cold is gone. Although I've faced one problem, another problem arises; school. Inside, my eyes scrammble to find her. Her name is Summer. She's like outside. Cold, eerie and gives me a shiver whenever our eyes meet. While she walks, her beautiful brown hair sways perfectly from side to side. Waiting for the right moment, I gain courage, Anxiety and fear.
"Hey!" I started, when the time had come.
"Oh hey." Summer continued
"I was just um wondering," My words began to escape, as if her beauty had chased them away. " if i could borrow you notes for next class, i missed last time." Why did i do that i asked myself, you had the chance and you blew it.
"Yeah for sure" she quietly sighed.
"Thanks" I said at last. Had she liked me too? Had she wanted me as much as i wanted her? Had I picked the last straw? I would never know, becuase all i asked was to borrrow her notes.

Walking home seemed longer than the walk to school. At the cross-walk I stopped. Looking both ways, checking I was safe, I slowly walked across. It was warmer now that the sun was higher and beaming down. Revealing my sweater I took my coat off and carried it the rest of the way. Constantly thoughts of how to fix what I'd done swept through my mind. What if she did like me. How long if so? What would she say if I asked her out? All these questions couldn't be resolved.

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