Blue is for tears

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Day 5, 2017
Diary entry 5

Dear diary, I have a problem. I've found myself in the deepest hole ever existed. I don't know why all my feelings are changing all of a sudden. He hits me and hurts me, but I love it. He says he hates me but I know in his eyes he says he loves me. I'm so confused. But now I'm mad. Mad that my stupid plan worked. Jessie has fallen for Jeremy. And I've fallen even harder. Yes, granted he is popular, in a bad way? He is cute. But it's the way that he says he loves me. It's all confusing. And here I am, writing in my diary, crying over my bully. Not because he bullies me, but because he loves me. And he know that too. I saw him at the pool yesterday with mother. He was with Jessie. She was gorgeous as ever. But he was staring at me. At me. And all of a sudden I got this weird gut feeling. And I've been feeling like this ever since. I've been daydreaming too much. Thinking messes up your brain, mother says, but I don't care. It's the only thing that keeps me alive. Besides Jeremy. I'm just too confused. One day he shows that he loves me, but the other days he quashes my heart. And I cry inside. Oh no! Mother came home early! I didn't realize! I have to clean my self up or she'll get suspicious. Bye for now. Love hurts.

-- Marti

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