Doctors Note

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Hi, my name is Milly. I'm 14 and I have a tumor in my brain. Doctors don't know how I got it but if they cut it. Life, as I know, will be over. 

When I was twelve that's when they noticed something wrong. A tumor. In my brain. My parents melt. Crying. My mom starts praying. "Dear God please make sure my Mandrin makes it please." That's right you heard it Mandrin. When I was little that was all I ate. So ever since they call me Mandrin.  I really don't mind. The only thing that's bothering me is this dumb ass tumor. It hurts to lie down or just to do anything. My excuse for not doing anything is because of this tumor.

Somedays I wish I was in a different family. Because maybe they wouldn't have made a kid that comes with a tumor. It's kind of like when you buy something and don't expect with what it comes with. Only you can return it. But me no you can't return me. There stuck with me unless adoption. 

"Hi, Mrs.Filyaw we need to talk to you and your husband about Milly." 


"We found something in her brain. We think well we know it's a brain tumor."

"Can you cut it out?"

"Well because of how much has already spread cutting it would just kill it."

Dumb ass mother fucking tumor. Why the fuck did it have to pick me. Me out of all the people in the world. Of course there's always a reason. Well I want to know that reason. Instead I'm sitting there in my room trying to come up with reasons. 

Jonna- Hey how ru

Me- What do u think?

Jonna- No


Jonna- Come to the movies with me we can share r mcw.

Me-Don't have one. 

Jonna- Bye

Of course, that bitch whenever I don't say shit she wants to hear she gets all pissy. Well, I don't think she's the one with a brain tumor. 

As usual I listen to the Doctors note.

"Her life is hanging on a thread."

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