A Better World

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I love history. It gives me...a sense of hope. In school we are taught every other subject, not history. I can understand why they don't. History reminds people of what this world used to have. In order to gain, we must lose.
The world had so much beauty: thick, tall woodlands, glistening lakes, the brilliant blue sky. What do we have now? Tall corporate buildings, glistening machinery, and large grays clouds blocking (what I hope still exists) our beautiful sky. What we have now is better than what we ever had in the past.
And who is responsible? It's us, of course. People. Humans. The animals have long died off, which means no meat. Our crops must be planted in special buildings, using a large metal orb as a substitute for "The Sun". Our newer SUNS will help us plant much quicker, as they can be used even in the darkest of nights.
But even in a time of such technological advances, who can say we have succeeded? Sure, we may have "flying cars", or AAs (Aviating Automobiles), but what good does that do? We had the choice of making them "eco-friendly", but the big people up in those tall buildings decided they needed more yachts. So we destroyed our big blue skies. It played no important role in our life, why bother keeping it just to gaze at it?
The animals were taking up too much space, space that we needed for more factories and more buildings. So what did we do? We tore down their homes, the peaceful gathering of trees we called forests. It's better to have lost them than our own homes. 
Water was never thought of as important until it was already nearly gone. Nowadays, we must eat at least 6 "Aqua Pills" a day. If there can be a substitution, the original was never important.
Not only the cars ruined our skies, but the factories too. Black clouds of chemicals puffed out of the chimney-like structures until the sky matched their color. Yet we still keep them around. They're much too important to lose.
The funny thing is, humans have no purpose in this world. Machinery has taken over many jobs that once belonged to man. What used to be done by hand is now done by metal. How could humans advance if our only job is to make sure the machines are running smoothly? Machines are man's friends, and they will aid us in creating a better Earth for us huma-
I sigh, shutting off the television. The words of the polished man on screen were cut off by the click of a button. The only thing I love about technology is that there is an off-switch... I look through my window at the skyscrapers, slips of gray sky showing between each building. Bright lights illuminate each and every one of its windows, and the clanking of metal fills the silent streets. Well, at least in my home...

A world without progression is no world fit to live in.

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