The Sea

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In a world where there is no happiness
In a world where there is me 
The only answer is to unlock whats under the sea 
and open the world to me and my dreams

A girl once asked me if I believed in the sea
I told her
'Under the sea you can see the beauty in everything
the media doesn't choose what you are hearing
better then the world were currently abusing
when really it's just amusing
but under the sea is me pursuing my dreams'

She then said
'My best friend once told me I should runaway
She said ho somewhere far away
before tomorrow becomes today
Or you may never see what's under the sea
because tonight is the key'

another suicide
another soul lost for us
another soul gained for the sea
She is no longer contemplating her dreams
or living in misery

her mother is pained
her daughter's soul had been gained
and placed in the beauty under the sea
she's know blessed with her dreams
out of her misery
finally able to see under the sea

I went to a girl's funeral
a girl that once asked me of I believed in the sea
I told her mother that she was now free living her dreams underneath the sea

I gave her a note her child once gave me that said
'This is me contemplating my dreams
if only I could retreat to where it's just me
I could finally see the beauty and perfection under the sea
the sea that leads to my dreams
if only I could retreat under the sea'

Her mother then asked what the sea was
I told her to read her daughter's diary

The sea is not a real life sea
It's desperation to be free
It's happiness finally released
It's for those who killed themselves in hope to find somewhere or something better then real life
The sea is our dreams being set free
Some of us need to escape into the sea

Sorry I'm not that good at writing
Tell me what you think

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