Chapter One - Part 1

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"Momo, can you please wake your brother up?" Nana asked from downstairs towards a girl with blonde hair and bright orange eye before returning to what she was currently doing, already knowing that her youngest child would wake her brother up.

Momo was currently standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom brushing her teeth after she just finished her breakfast cause she didn't like breakfast breath. Momo was definitely not ugly and definitely not normal looking as well. Momo Sawada was known in namimori for having an other worldly beauty.

Momo blinked and spat.

Gently knocking on her brothers door she whispered, "Onii-chan?"

A soft snore was what she received in response. Giggling a soft chime she tip toed towards her brother dodging the mess that was littering the floor. "Tsuna-Nii?"

However just as she was about to touch him, her brother woke up abruptly and screamed.


Momo covered her mouth blocking a surprised squeal from escaping, "h-huh?"

Tsuna instantly looked at Momo and shouted, "W-who are you?!"

"E-eh, Tsuna-nii. Are you alright? It's me, Momo." Momo placed her hand softly on Tuna- ahem- Tsuna's forehead, what she didn't acknowledge was that Tsuna was going red in the face from being at close proximity from a girl.

What Momo also didn't know was that her brothers soul was switched with our little tuna-fishes soul. Along with the rest of the mafia world souls. That included the Former or now still arcobalenos, vongola, estrangno(SP?), ect.

"Eh? It's not a fever. Maybe... Eto, wait what was I doing again?" The clueless and naive girl instantly smiled, shaking off what she was thinking of. Tsuna sweat dropped.

"Mama, told me to wake you up. I don't know why," Momo stroked her chin like a beard. Tsuna could help but relax in the blonde haired girl company, feeling like he knew her all his life.

"Ah, ano. Ca-" Tsuna was cut off.

"Ah!" The girl bumbed her fist on her flat right hand than turned to Tsuna with a carefree smile. "Mum probably told me to wake you up because school was suppose to start in 10 minutes." Then exited the room.

Tsuna froze, "h-hah?" He still went to school? But he remembered graduation high school and going to Italy. How can a 29 year old go to school? It would be embarrassing.

"Wah! I look so young!"


"Mah~ Tsu-Chan, sure is a narcissist." Mama drawled while hold her right cheek and flipping a pancake in the air with her left hand.

"Un. Tsu-Nii, sure was weird his morning. He asked me who I was, mah~ so strange." Momo chewed a piece of chocolate chip pancake while holding her cheeks in delight from the delicious, steamy pancake.

""Ah~ but that's what makes him cute."" The mother - daughter pair exclaimed in unison with a carefree smile displayed on each of their face.

Momo was on her last bite when Tsuna came storming down the stairs with messy clothes and hair.

"Why are you so relaxed? Doesn't scho- uh! Ugh! Ah! Oft!" Tsuna cut himself off my stripping on the last step.

"Nee~ Tsu-nii, needs to be more careful. Mama just replaced the floor boards after the broke last time." Tsuna sweat dropped at his new carefree sister while wondering if his new sister had inherited her obliviousness from their mother.

"Don't worry about school Tsu-nii, I was lying." Momo beamed as she bluntly confessed of her, lying.

Tsuna was sweating from being stared at by those large doe eyes that drooped giving them a lazy fairy look.

"Tsu-Chan here is your breakfast." His mother placed a plateful of strawberry pancakes in front of him.

"O-oh, thank you mama." Tsuna sat down right next to Momo while thanking Nana.

"Your welcome!" Nana beamed, "Momo, didn't you just brush your teeth?"

Momo froze bit bite and moved to look at Nana robotically, "I did?"

"Mah~ I worry about you sometimes dear." Nana sighed before walking back to the stove.

"Fu~ oh well, I guess I could help myself." Momo shrugged before continuing her second meal.

While Tsuna just sweat dropped

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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