Chapter 1

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I tiredly stare at myself in the mirror, I've had a total of nine hours of sleep in the past week, the extreme lack of sleep causing the dark circles under my eyes to protrude. The bare minimum of makeup on my face, and what I mean by 'bare minimum' is bare. Why even bother, nothing's going to cover up these circles. There's not much to say about my appearance, I take mostly after my father, this includes brown eyes, brown frizzy hair, brown stubby eyelashes. Brown. Today I'm clothed in a baggy gray t-shirt that has multiple toothpaste stains, overalls that hang low on my waist, that of which are tucked into my thick knit socks, along with a crème cardigan that goes down to shins. I shrug. Decent enough.

My bedroom door snaps open revealing my twin sister Claudia, my fraternal twin sister Claudia. While I got my looks solely from our father, she took a different route and mirrored our mother. Her striking hazel eyes identical to mothers, just as my dark amber eyes are identical to liquid shit. Today her strawberry blonde curls are pulled back in a high ponytail, strands of hair hang loose framing her face. She wears a flowy white dress that she oh so subtly paired with a sangria lace bralette. Her lack of height she made up in three inch heels. Her makeup a collection of nudes and pastels, ranging from burnt umber to a pale rose.

She frowns, "There's a thin line between looking indie and looking homeless." She bends down to pick up my worn-down hunting boots, "These definitely cross the line, Allison. God, when will you let me to throw these out, they're awful," I huff. I expect nothing less from her, I guess.

I quickly swipe them from her hands, "These," I wave the shoes in front of her face, "Are Aunt Allison's, like hell I'm throwing them out." I hastily slide them on over my thick knit socks.

She crinkles her nose, "Just because she's dead doesn't mean you're the one who should dress like a corpse." I huff out in annoyance. So much for not disrespecting the dead, or the living for that matter.

I sigh, "You always had a way with words, didn't you Claudia," I hastily move around her, purposely bumping into her shoulder while doing so. Whoops.

I make my way downstairs before Claudia can form a retort, I find my mom lifting my dad's head out of a bowl of cereal. Tired by the looks of it, probably exhausting himself over some case again. One time, during a case in which he called "Little Red's Grandmother", he didn't sleep for a total of seventy-two hours, this resulted in a trip to the emergency room. And no, it wasn't from the lack of sleep...he tripped on pair of Claudia's heels and had to go in for head trauma.

I sigh, "Stay up all night looking over case files, dad?" I wonder what this one is about, you can never know with Beacon Hills, I guess. I grab the box of Lucky Charms and fish out a handful, shoving them into my mouth. Hmm, they're magically delicious indeed.

"I just can't figure out how this happened, three entire bodies just drained of water, how do you even drain someone of water," He bangs his head on the table, 2% milk still dripping from his hair, "They're just shriveled up, like little raisins." He runs a hand through his tousled hair. I'm surprised he's still got a full head of it given he does that a lot. Old habits die hard, I suppose.

Mom continues to pick out pieces of cereal from his hair, "You'll figure it out," She beams at him. "You always do, Stiles." He looks back at her, eyes bloodshot from the three 5 Hour Energy's he took, but somehow his eyes still glisten, just like they do every time he looks at her.

He gives her a half smile, "Soggy cereal a good look for me then?"

"A perfect one," She delivers a small kiss to his lips, which he returns back gladly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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