Part 1

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This is about real events this is something serious it is a problem worldwide and people lose there loves over this.

There once was a young girl who lived with three boys. Each was different, the oldest Andrew was about to go to college and he was very smart. But when at home slept and played minecraft. There was the second oldest Tardis who always gas in the car and he was learning how to drive. Then there was the girl. Samantha she was the only girl and she was 12 years old. She had anxiety that she could not control that kept her from doing things she loved. For example she use to run every day and weekend but then she got sick every time she tried. Then there was the youngest of them all sandwich the 9 year old. He was a trouble maker every where he went he would play tricks or prank on others. Now they had a mom and dad who worked most of the time or where on the phone with friends so they did not do much together. They even rarely ate together with the family. Which made Samantha very sad. After years of not having anxiety it started out of no where. She was siting in math learning how to make graphs of the population when she felt she could not breath she raised her hand and asked to go to her mom who worked in the cafeteria. she made it half way before having a full on panic attack she stopped by the art teachers room and asked her to call her mom down to the room and Samantha had no idea what was happening which made her panic more. After her art teacher helped her calm down she felt like she could breath easier so the teacher and her walked down to her mom and explained what happened so after this happening a few times and her ending up in the clinic most of the day her mom toke her to the doctor who suggested to go and see a physiology because Samantha had anxiety which was do to stressed and that's how her life changed.

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