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Hunters P.O.V

I tiredly chucked my bag on the floor, as I walked through the front room of the house. Taking the steps two at a time, I walk into my room and collapse onto my bed, plugging in my headphones to drown out the silence, as I slowly drift into oblivion.

It feels like not long after I had shut my eyes that the sound of my phone beeping pulls me into a drowsy state, rolling over I pick up it, swiping down to check my notifications only to see it was Claire, rolling my eyes I shoot her a quick text to keep her happy. I got up, dropping my phone in the process it landed with a thud but I kept walking not caring. I should've stopped this thing with Claire a while ago, it's edging up to more than two weeks, most girls I have been with haven't really got past two weeks, three at the most. The only reason Claire is still around because she is hot, popular and very clingy but other than that there is nothing special about her, she is just like every other girl I have been with. I just want to mess around, I don't want to be in a relationship, not now or ever really.

The front door shuts which comes to me as a shock considering the fact that my parents have thrown themselves into work and are never home. They are both doctors and diagnosed workaholics. I look over the railing but no one is there. Slowly I creep down the stairs to investigate, I look in the living room but see no one. I cautiously emerge into the kitchen only to see someone looking through the fridge, I immediately tensed up at the situation, only when the intruder turned around did I realise that it was Luke stuffing his face with leftovers from last nights dinner.

"Hey!! How did you know I was here" Luke questioned with a mouth full of food making him slightly hard to understand

"I heard the front door slam, so I came down thinking it was one of my parents only to find you ransacking my fridge" I replied smirking. I saw a flash of sympathy in Luke's eyes, he knows everything about the strained relationship I have with my parents. "So... what are you doing here?" I continued. The emotion in Luke's eyes changed from sympathy to excitement, " I my friend have decided to throw a party on Friday night and you are going to help me" he smiled.

I grinned at the mention of a party, I've always loved them as they have been an escape from my troubles at home and I can get wasted and hook up with any girl I want to. I mean with all the cheap beer floating around it's hard to go to a party with a face like this and not have girls throw themselves at you. Call me vain but when you look in the mirror and see a Greek god it's hard not to be.

" So how has Claire been, almost getting up to the two week mark buddy" he winked. "Are you going to keep her around for much longer because no offence but she is really possessive and annoying". I groaned making him laugh " Honestly I will probably end things this week, like you said she is very possessive and it is just not worth it anymore. Besides I have my eyes set on the new girl Allison" I muttered "Of course you do, is there a girl in our year you haven't had a fling with" he chuckled, I smirked at this, both of us knowing there are very few girls in our year that I haven't slept with.

Luke stayed for a couple hours and we played some video games before his mum called for him to come home. I am alone yet again it is currently 12:30am and neither of my parents are home yet.

After having a shower I change into a shirt and some boxers. Ignoring the texts and missed calls from Claire sighing I put my phone on charge and head to bed. Maybe I'll catch my parents in the morning, if they even come home that is.


Authors Note
Hey guys!! This is the first chapter of the first book/story I am writing!! Sorry for the chapter being so short but I wanted to give you guys a little insight to our brooding bad boy.

Will update very soon!!

Until then 😊😋

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