Part 8

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Bella's Pov

When I faced him my papa said now do you know why you were punished Bella and I said yeah because I went into the woods instead of going to school and I cursed at you to. Papa then said yes that was one of the reasons but that spanking was only for the cursing I haven't given you the skipping school and going into the woods part yet.

I gulped and looked up at him and said what does that mean papa and Billy said well Bella since you want to skip school so much me and Charlie have decided to home school you. I gasped and shout what no way I am going to school I swear not to skip again and papa said we don't believe that you won't skip again as this isn't the first time you have did Bella.

As I heard this I knew I was in shits street so I gulped and said this isn't fair and papa said nothing is my dear but this is what's happening. Every morning from tomorrow onward you will be coming to the reservation and going to Sam Uley's house. You will then be getting taught by Sam and his wife Emily who both have degrees in teaching education.

I said please no let me go to school please papa and I then heard Charlie said as he walked into the house this isn't just Billy's decision Bella it was mine to and we are both sticking to it. I groaned and said fine whatever I just won't come and both Billy and Charlie laughed and I knew that was not a good sign not when it came to my dad and my papa.

My dad then said well you see Bella the last part of your punishment is for the part were you went into the woods more than once. The punishment for that is that you will have a babysitter everywhere you go everyday that's even if you go anywhere as you are grounded.

I gasped and said what no way please no and papa said it is your own fault my dear until we have seen you have wised up you are on lock down. I said no I'm not I'm free to do what I want I'm not a stupid kid and I walked up to the front door and opened it to walk out to get away from the fuck heads I call dad and papa.

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