Chapter 1

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Niall's POV...

It's been one month one month I've been in a car accident ever since I've lived little memory now I'm going back to school and I hope that everybody treats me the same with if it did before and not like a petit puppy. I get to school and I get out of my car lock it and go into school lots of kids are staying at me Summer clapping and thankful for me surviving a car accident one of the kids with brown eyes and black hair comes hey man what's up you said you were you I say you don't know me he said no I don't know you who are you I said I'm Zayn your best mate he said I'm sorry I don't remember you I say will you have to he said I don't I'm sorry please get off my back I guess it's in my locker I got my books out and I go to my first class as soon as the bell rings I sit down I listen to the teacher saying thing then I leave and go to another class and lunch comes up and I sit alone then a familiar haired guy walks up to me. Rough day at school too he said no I just haven't been here in a while I was recently in a car accident I said bummer man he said yeah I know but it's not my fault a drunk driver hit my car and everything happened and now I'm living with very little memory and I don't even remember my brothers and sisters how's life going for you I said. My Dad recently left my mom and my mom's been a total wreck and my sister got married everything's been I don't know different oh by the way I'm Harry he said. I'm Niall I said and put my hand out for him to Shake nice to meet you man he said gladly shook my hand. Well what do you remember about your family Harry said. Number that I have a cat named Oreo and have a brother named Greg and my mother's name is maura and my name is Bobby that's it that's what I know I said. Well at least you know their names Harry said at least I said cuz I was about to say my next sentence the Bell had rung I threw my lunch in the garbage and say goodbye to Harry and went to my next class. My class is finally over it was time for me to go home I went to my locker put my stuff back and started walking to my car then a voice that I recognized spoke to me. Hey where are you running off to the voice said I turn around and I was met with Liam Zayn the only three that I remember.

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