Some people say that love is the best thing to have and that happiness is the best feeling you could ever feel. Is it really the best. People dream of reaching goals ,finding the love of there life.
Can I feel happiness or love? will someone ever love me? I guess not because, ha who am I kidding who could love a quiet girl with secrets. The girl with abandonment issues and trust issues.
I have many secrets and many problems. what they don't know is how I've delt with everything or what I have done.
See the tears in my eyes. See the cuts on my body. Do you see how I'm never around.
I swear I'm going mad. I can't sleep, I can't think, I'm losing everyone I know. What I mean by losing, is by death and ending friendships. They try to be there for me, but all it does is making things worse. so I push them away.
I think to myself if I push them away it will be better. That being alone will help. That I can fix my own problems and broken heart all by myself.
But I am wrong being alone is not worth it, but I pushed them away and I don't know if I could ever get them back.
alone~ in the back. No one can hear my silent screams. I call out after all of my mistakes, but I am left behind. I am no one. I don't deserve to be here. I am just a shadow. The only time they see me is when they need me to do something, other times I am left in the dust. I am left behind just begging for the silence to end. But again I am alone.