Bite marks: Chapter 1

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I don't remember much about my life before "IT" happened...

The day my life was taken away from me.

I can remember some aspects of my life. Just ordinary things like I was a teenager, some where around seventeen or eighteen. I had finished high school and I had a car, I think. I'm not sure about anything anymore.

How did I get here? I don't know what has happened. There's only so much I can remember.

I woke up on the cold, wet, hard ground. Tiny granules ot gravel dug into my back. I opened my eyes to see. It was chilly, a slight mist weaving its path through rows of trees. My head was resting against the stump of a tree In the middle of some kind of forest. I could feel the cold, misty air rubbing against my skin.

"Where am I?" I asked myself. I felt a pain in my neck. I reached up and touched the spot where it was hurting. I could feel two very deep holes in the side of my neck. And I instantly started to panic. What is this? Is this some kind of sick joke?

I looked at my hand and saw it was covered in blood. I was panting hard, as the blood slowly trickling down my fingers. I got up on my feet and looked around. The trees seemed to overpower me; the shadows wanting to consume me.

"I have no idea where I am..." I covered my face with my hands, fear and anxiety eating me from the inside. "I better... try to find a way out..." I started to walk forward from where I was lying earlier. I climbed over the decaying trunk of a fallen tree. I began to start my journey.

My legs grew weary, my arms at my sides, my eyelids growing heavy with every minute. I've been walking for hours, the forest's path never ending. As the daylight slowly slipped away into twilight it started to get even colder. I crossed my arms and pressed on, even though I was so tired.

"So cold" I stuttered as I dragged myself onwards in the cold north wind. "There must be a way out somewhere..." I reassured myself, but my hope was starting to fade.

I had only walked for a short period of time, before I had started to hear the faint howls of wolves.

Something had made my senses sharper, and I wildly listened out and looked around. "Wolves, huh...I have to get out of here." I started to run but I slipped. I slipped and tumbled down a hill, my body twisting as trees, bushes and branches got in my path. I hit the bottom of the hill with a tremendous thump.

Hurriedly, I scrambled to my feet, ready to run again until I feel a wet nose at the back of my leg, alongside a paw that was scratching me. The pack of wolves heard me and had appeared from the bushes. They surrounded me in a large circle and were growling at me fiercley. Taking a step sideways, I picked up a branch that was lying on the ground on the ground.

"Get back!" I shouted as I madly swung the branch. "Stay away!" I threw the branch at one of the wolves - who had neatly dodged it - and I realised that I just threw away my only form of protection. One of the wolves jumped and sunk its blood-stained teeth into my left leg.

"Ah!" I screamed, warm blood running down my leg fast, the pain causing a tear to spring from my left eye. The wolf quickly ripped its teeth out of my leg, I tried to run, but the pain was too strong. For some reason the wound on my leg was not healing like the one on my arm that I had obtained from the fall.

I saw a break in the trees. In that narrow gap, I saw a light.

"A light!" I cried. Finally I could get out! I ran through the gap, my feet meeting hard flooring. I looked around, and realised I was on a road. I tilted my head at the sound of a sudden blaring horn, and my eyes widened. A huge truck transporting building materials was heading straight towards me. I couldn't move. I was frozen still.

"Help... Help!" I yelled. The sounds of cars racing up and down the road. I turned around to run, only to meet with a red, gleaming car hitting me at above fourty miles per hour. I fell on the hard tarmac, my right shoulder slamming into the side of an iron fencing.Two figures exited the car. I couldn't tell much about the people who left the car and rushed over to me. The only thing I knew was that there was a man and a woman. Then everything went black.

I drifted in and out of consciousness. I opened my eyes, seeing darkness. I started to panic. Why can't I see? My eyes adjusted some more, and I notice that I'm in some sort of car boot. I looked around and wondered where it was going, before thumping my fists onto some kind of flat surface. I wasn't wheather it was the floor, or the side of the boot.

"Hello! Is anyone there!" I shouted deperately. "Let me out!" The car suddenly swerved from side to side. I hit my head off the side, a good amount of pain shooting through my head. In hardly no time, I started feeling weak, my wound on my leg reopening. I closed my eyes, and blacked out again.

When I woke, all I saw that I was lying on a sofa in the middle of a large room. The room had dark red walls with a white wooden skirting board running along the bottom. There was an oak bookcase at the left of the room, full to the brim of books.

"W...where am I?" I asked myself. "How long was I asleep for?" I sat up on the sofa and tried to remember what had happened.

"Okay, so the last thing that happened was that I was in the car's boot..." I said to myself. I got distracted and started to inspect the room. "That's odd... there's no windows." I looked behind me and saw a large black iron door. I got up and walked over, slightly leaning onto the door. I traced my hand at the border of the door.

"Hello?" I shouted, making sure I was loud enough for the sound to get through the door.  

"is anyone there?" There wasn't a single sound. "No one must be there..." I said. I didn't want to dwell on it any longer. I walked over to the bookcase too see what kind of books they had. There were different types of coloured, leather bound books, with thin gold borders and small handwriting in them, written with ink. I looked up and saw something that really caught my attention. I reached up to the top shelf and grabbed a old worn black leather book. "I wonder what this is?"

I sat down on the sofa and opened the book. There was no table of table of contents. The book's text was very small, and when I looked at it closer, I saw it was in a different language. The title at the spine of the book read Maledicto Butum.

"Maledicto Butum?" I whispered. "Maybe it's Latin?" I started to read the book. There were some strange markings on the corner of each page. I wasn't progressing, I was completley stuck at page 1. "This doesn't make any sense!" I yelled in frustration, throwing the book to the other side of the room. "This looks like someone with some serious problems wrote this..." I sighed and lay back on the sofa. Strands of my hair fell onto my shoulders. My hair seemed to have been washed. The room was very bright even though there were no windows. I decided to try to get to sleep, but I couldn't. My stomach was growling and rumbling like crazy.  

"So hungry..." I thought. My stomach felt like it was digesting itself. I was seriously craving food. No, it wasn't food I craved. It was something else.

I craved blood.

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