Capter 1: Dull

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A pearl watched a large jasper skillfully deliver blows to another fairly large amethyst. Her hulking figure could not longer withstand the damage and in sorrowful defeat, proofed, retreating to her purple gem. The champion grinned widely, glowing with pride before her hologram image faded. The pearl signed softly. It had been over 46 days since she has last seen her mistress.

This was much longer than expected. She was a quarts general who operated important and lengthy missions, but her last one was expected to be fairly quick. She played with the sheer material of her outfit, wondering what she could do that was useful. Pearls were made to serve their mistress, but she wasn't around. All reenactments that her jasper loved to see were perfectly memorized with the best imagery. Her voice was well conditioned and there wasn't a dance style Pearl didn't know. All that and what did she have to show for it? Empty quarters. No proud words or looks of approval. Her spirit darken more, starting to wonder why she even bothered to work so hard to please her jasper. Sometimes it felt like she was barely around. As if to receive an answer from the gem, she hologramed Jasper's form before herself from her pearl on her neck. Though to most Jasper seemed cold and dangerous,
Pearl immediately felt secure and sure. Her jasper was strong and fearless. Nothing stopped her and she would always protect what was hers. She also felt ashamed by her doubt.  "Always stay strong to your beliefs and never let your loyalty crack. Your faith will make you shine bright." The quote she lived her life by echoed in her heart, strengthening her bond to her jasper despite her lack of presence. Because she would do the same.

"I have an issue." Pearl looked up to a topaz. The topaz only looked at her, bored. "And what could possibly be important enough to bother me with?" "My jasper hasn't returned from her last mission." "Then you can be given to another gem. Who was your jasper?" Sorrow twisted inside of Pearl. She didn't want another owner, She wanted her Jasper. "Facet 2A6Q cut 2PD." The other gem frozen upon recognition of the name. Pearl waited, wondering what this would mean. " should return to your jasper's quarters. I don't believe I can handle her pearl. If any changes are to occur, Yellow Diamond will decide. I'm sure though, she will return. They sent rubies out to get her not too long ago. Now go." Though she was only a pearl, the topaz carefully ushered the pearl away. She dared not have that jasper after her for damaging her pearl in anyway. Servant or not, she wasn't just an ordinary  jasper. No, this was a decorated general and favorite of the late diamond who is still dear to the three remaining diamonds.

Pearl returned to her quarters in defeat. She was glad she wasn't given away, typically custom made pearls are better off with their original owner. But she still didn't know where her jasper was and couldn't do anything without her. Pearls were made to sever so without Jasper, she had no purpose.

The next week would be spent on working on a very unique dance style Pearl had learned. It called for a quick tempo and sharp yet flowing movements. There would also be blade-like fans she would hold and incorporate into the routine. It was a tricky and difficult dance to learn but as soon as she learned that Jasper enjoyed it, she was relentless in her pursuit of perfection. Not to mention, dancing was rather enjoyable for her too. It would feel freeing and lifted her spirits. As she entered a practice room, she couldn't help to notice the other pearls in the long mirror wall. They all had different colors, most to match their owner's color. Yellow and blue though, seemed to dominate. Pearl started to feel out of place with her peachy tone. Most gems these days aren't made in the short-lived popular pink. She sometimes wished she could have been more orange or gold, just so she could fit in more. But she knew that her jasper loved the adored the color, so she wasn't miserable about it.  After a quick warm up, she felt the eyes of the other gems fade as she lost herself in the movement of the dance. Faster, softer, shaper. Hope and happiness bloomed from her burdened heart. She will return because nothing stops a jasper, especially mine.

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