From the Depths of the Ocean (Pirates of the Caribbean)

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"Lower the sails! Load the cannons, aim to starboard!" I screamed over the roar of the waves.

"Are you crazy?!?! They'll board us and slaughter the lot of us!" Will yelled as I took The Pearl's helm. I steered the ship away from The Queen Anne's Revenge, where I knew Jack was. I did not want to deal with him again after what happened last time.

"Sapphire end this! Do you not remember what happened between you and Jack last time?" Will yelled at me again.

Of course I remember. Jack used to be my crazy best friend that always dragged me out of my comfort zone and into mischief. We were almost inseparable but then the war came and everything changed. Tortuga was attacked and burned to the ground. Jack and his father went to live on their ship and I went to live with my parents on their ship. We sailed together but then a huge storm came and we lost them.

Soon the British were hunting down the pirates that sailed and my parents were one of the most feared along with Jack's father. After about 2 months after we lost Jack's ship, the British found us. The Interceptor and it's fleet attacked and sunk our ship, taking the lives of both my parents and the crew. I somehow managed to survive the wreck, leaving me to be the only survivor. I was 8 at the time.

For 5 days, I later on a jagged piece of wood, almost dead from thirst and starvation. That was when Jack and his dad found me. That night, Jack never left my side. I was too weak to even move. Eating became a challenge that I never thought I could end. Many thought that I would be dead by the morning. Jack said that I stopped breathing and heard my heart stop twice. I was so weak but I still found a way to hold on. I spent the entire winter on a bed, in the Captain's Quarters. I couldn't even stand up, even with help, for weeks. After being bedridden for almost a month and a half, I was finally able to stand up with Jack supporting me.

When spring came, I had to learn how to fight all over again. My body and mind were never the same again after the wreck. My life had changed and it wasn't always for the better. I had developed some powers that were scary to me at first, like controlling water with my mind and actions. The weather almost always seemed to fit my emotion and my senses almost seemed heightened. By the time I turned 16, I could control my transformations to an extent.

I could transform willingly but if I ever came in contact with water, I would change. I wouldn't be able to transform back until I was dry again and it wasn't a strength when I turned back naked, especially on a ship full of lust full men. But Jack was always there to protect me, wether I wanted him to or not.

One time, BlackBeard came on board Jack's ship (The Black Pearl) and wanted to know if he had any maps to The Fountain of Youth. He said that they were on their way to Whitecap Bay to collect a mermaid for their tear and I immediately went pale. I knew that if I got wet that they would see my true form and try to take me. Jack would try to protect me but the zombified crew members stood no chance against the human crew.

I was standing by the railing and we hit a reef, causing the deck and myself to get soaked in water. I tried to get myself in the water but my tail had already formed and BlackBeard's eyes went wide.

He whispered something in one of the zombified crew member's ear and he immediately said something in an unknown language. I saw Jack try to run towards me but BlackBeard held him back.

I felt somebody grab my arms and try to pick me up and I started screaming and yelling. Somebody tied a nasty, dirty, old rag around my mouth and threw me over their shoulder. My hands were soon bound by some thick rope and I was literally thrown into a glass case filled halfway with water and was locked in there.

I watched as they tied Jack up and threw him overboard, killing the rest of the crew.

They left the first mate and half of the crew to sail The Black Pearl and the rest carried me onboard The Queen Anne's Revenge.

I was brought to the Captain's Quarters so that BlackBeard could keep an eye on me, but it's not like I was going anywhere.

After a while, it got hard to breath. There wasn't enough air and I was slowly suffocating. I tried banging on the glass but he never looked over. Soon I felt myself almost pass out from the lack of oxygen in my lungs and then I felt the top open and fresh air came rushing into the glass case.I gasped for air and then passed out. When I finally woke up, I was in the glass case but there were new holes in the top about the size of my finger to allow me to breathe.

The days had started to merge together and they never made it to The Fountain of Youth. Sure, they had me. I was a mermaid. But they were never able to salvage a tear from me because the only person I cared about was Jack but I hadn't seen him since they took me which had been over 2 years.

They had tried everything to try to get me to shed a tear and I have long deep scars to prove it. I always thought that Jack was there to protect me like he promised but he never came back.

When BlackBeard held me hostage I saw Jack a few times and we made eye contact. Not even a smile appeared on his face. It was at that point that I knew he never really cared and had given up on me.

After being held hostage for 3 more years, they finally slipped up. My glass cell was on the deck and the ship hit a reef, causing the boat to tip to one side. The glass cell smashed against the wooden railing, breaking the railing and cell, as the debris and I fell into the ocean, I was met with my freedom.

I swam all the way to Tortuga, where the settlers rebuilt the famous pirate port and I met Maria, a prostitute who gave me clothes and enrolled me to be part of a crew on some small ship.

I sailed with the captain as his first mate, mostly because of my beauty. I was also one of the most feared pirates because of my amazing fighting skills. That was when I heard rumors that Jack had retaken The Black Pearl and killed BlackBeard, keeping The Queen Anne's Revenge.

But the time I was 23, a pirate named Barbossa came to me, offering me to be his first mate. I agreed because I knew that he knew Jack and I needed my revenge.

I sailed with Barbossa for about 6 months before we encountered Jack. At that time, my hair was a bright fiusha that went down to my butt. Jack didn't recognize me and that was my biggest strength. I was able to almost kill Jack but he killed Barbossa (or so he thought) and I was able to get away with The Black Pearl after he tried to kill me and I launched him into the water.

As we sailed away, I can still remember the look of shock on his face as I screamed, "Hey Jack Sparrow! Thanks for leaving me with BlackBeard! Now I have a ship and a crew! Thanks!"

Now I have been sailing all around the Caribbean and the world trying to stay away from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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