Rules & Form

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Hello everyone! I had an idea for a romance and friendship driven role play for awhile. Keep in mind that this doesn't have combat in it. 

"As the club president, my responsibilities will include creating events every once in awhile for the club. Things like haunted houses, festivals, and even traveling to other cities on a field trip! I am responsible for the orderly conduct of the club as well so don't do anything bad or there will be consequences! Take a look at the rules and I hope that you will enjoy your time here!"



1.) No godmodding. It's not fun for your role play partner if you control their character.

2.) To keep it safe for everyone, no smut will be allowed in the book. However you may move it to PM.

3.) Swearing is allowed. Just don't swear constantly because that would be ridiculous.

4.) No homophobia or discrimination. If you bash on role play characters or the role players in this book because of their sexuality or ethnicity, I will immediately put you on the blacklist and mute you so you can no longer reply to this book.

5.) When I say that it's time to stop and start a new day in the book, I expect you to follow. Failure to do this will result in a warning from me. Three and you are out.

6.) If you have a problem with another role player please come talk to me. I will take measures to make sure that the situation is solved.

7.) Yaoi (boy x boy) and yuri (girl x girl) is allowed here. 

8.) I'm not the type to constantly nag at everyone to reply but I will start doing so if you haven't replied in two weeks. If you haven't replied for a month in the role play then I will have to kick you out.

9.) Use third person instead of first person.

10.) We expect a sentence for a reply. Any less and that isn't something that we can role play with (Like "he nodded" is too short). 

11.) Mary sues and Gary Stues are not welcome here. The rule is here to keep things interesting. If you do send in a form that is one I will reply back recommendations on how to improve it to be accepted. 

12.) Long forms are okay. Just send it to my PM box. I will make a separate book on a character database for this RP for you all to refer to.

13.) Plotting character development with others are fine with this book. I will be adding an out of character chat for you all to do so. (Can do it in PM too. But I'm keeping groups in mind as well.)

14.) To let me know if you have read the rules, write "muffins are awesome" without the quotations somewhere in your form. If you haven't I will reject your form.  


Boring stuff is done. Now let's get to the fun stuff.


Full Name:

Nickname(s): (Optional. This is another name that you would like us to call your character.)



Grade: (Note: We're in a Japanese high school. The grades are 10-12. No exceptions.)


Appearance: (Note: You may have an image here. Just add a link, tag, or send in PM.)





Hobbies: (Note: Hobbies and likes are different!)

What you look for in a partner: (Optional. Just to let us know what your character is looking for in romantic relationships)

Dorm: (Note: This is only for me and the other leaders. I will assign you a dorm for your character to live in. I will assign you to roommates as well so keep that in mind. This is here to let you know about it~)



If you want to apply for a position other than a member please add a comment in your form saying you want a certain position. I would also like to know if you are capable. Tell me why you would be good for that position. 

If you are anything other than a member, the leaders will be meeting and talking with you regularly on event plans as well as dealing with problems that arise in the book.(In PM or Out of Character Chat. If asked, I will make a group chat in skype or discord). You will have to stay active, so please keep that in mind before applying. 

Details of Positions:

[TAKEN BY trpRandomBiscuit] 

Vice President: Basically you're like another me. Accepting forms, critiquing, solving problems that arise, and working with the management group to plan out some events (plus any other locations + features). It's a huge responsibility and I will not tolerate inactivity. 

[TBA. No other positions at the moment since the workload isn't big. Thank you for your consideration though!]

Status: We are currently preparing the president and vice president's characters. We are also beginning to structure the RP book with locations. Please bear with us as we build the role play! We are still accepting forms so feel free to send them! Feel free to ask about this role play in OOC if you aren't sure whether to join or not.

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