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"Are you ready to go?" Jack asks me
"yeah hold on I'm almost finished." I finish my makeup by putting on my lipgloss. I don't really wear that much makeup just foundation, mascara and lipgloss. I don't like putting on a lot of makeup because I don't look that bad I think.
"Let's go." I say running down the stairs. Today is my first day as a junior in high school in California, I'm actually not that nervous due to moving a lot. We hop in Jacks car and he starts driving.
"Are you nervous for your first day?" Jack ask but I don't hear him because I'm looking out the window from the beautiful view. "Hello earth to Chelsea." "What, oh sorry I just love the view. No I'm not nervous I'm use to this."
5 minutes later we arrive at the school California High. "Bye." I say to jack as he drives off. I walk into school and I try to find the office to get my schedule but am totally lost until a boy comes up to me. "Are you lost." He says and to be quite honest he was kinda good looking. He had green eyes and dark brown hair, his style was ok. He wore skinny jeans with a nice polo shirt.
"Um yeah kinda I'm new here." I tell him after he notices me checking him out. "What's your name?" I ask him. "I'm John." "I'm Chelsea." "Nice to meet you." He says nicely. "Ok so follow me I will show you the office to get your schedule and then show you to your classes." I smile a little at the thought of him helping me. "Thanks." I say all happily.
As we walk past some classes on the way to the office I spot someone. He is gorgeous he has blue eyes with brown wavy hair. He has really good style he wore a leather jacket with a black shirt inside with skinny jeans.
"I wouldn't go for him if I were you." John says. I look at him in confusion. "Why not?" I ask curiously "He's the schools player. One day he acts like he's into you then when he gets you into bed he will leave you in the dust the next day." His words hit my like a truck but I don't know why when I don't even know him. I shake the thought of him off when I see the office.
"Hi how may I help you?" A tall blonde lady asks. She must be in her 30's she doesn't look too old. She seems very nice. "Miss?" She asks me "I'm sorry, um I'm new here and I was wondering if I can have my schedule please?" I ask politely. "Sure just give me one moment."
We wait for her so I decide to ask John a question about the schools bad boy. "So what's his name?" "Who's name?" He ask me in a confused tone. "The schools bad boy?" I ask even more curious but get cut off by the lady in the office. "Here is your schedule and we are in 2nd period right now." "Thank you so much. Have a nice day." "You too." She says. We both turn around and walk out. We head to my 2nd period class and it's English.
"Thanks for showing me around." I smile at him. "No problem." He says back but then gives me a hug and I'm shocked because we just met. I ended up hugging him back then going to class. "I'll see you at lunch?" He ask me hoping I will say yes. "Sure." He waves and I walk into English. As I open the door and it shuts behind me everyone looks up from what they are doing just staring at me.
"You must be the new student." She says giving me a smile "I'm Mrs. Pierce and you are?" "I'm Chelsea, Chelsea Patterson." I say nervously. "Please Chelsea have a seat right in the 2nd to last row." I smile and nod and I walk to my seat I notice there is a empty one next to me I wondered who sat there. Just as I sat down someone walked right into the classroom.
"Late again mr. Grey?" She says annoyed. "Yeah whatever." He says as he walks towards the back I notice who he is. He's the guy I saw earlier the one who John told me to leave alone. Then again I never got his name.
"Hey cutie." He says as he sits next to me. I look at him in disgust. "Did you just call me cutie?" I asked looking at him like I wanted to slap him right in his face. "Sure, unless you prefer something else?" He says while smirking. "How about my real name?" I say with and attitude. "What is your name then?" He ask seriously. "It's Chelsea." "What's your name?" I ask him curiously wanting to know since the first time I saw him. "Collin." He tell me in a whisper. Just as I was about to ask him something the bell rings.
I'm kinda glad though because I am starving. I walk towards my locker and open it. I shove my books in there but before I finish my locker gets shut and I get scared so I punch. "Ow!" Collin says. "I'm sorry I got scared. What the hell anyways why would you just shut my locker like some maniac?" I ask him with my voice getting louder. "I'm sorry babe didn't mean to scare you I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go out to lunch." He says with that smirk that makes me wanna die. "First of all don't call me babe, second of all I don't even know you. Lastly I'm not some toy you are just gonna play with until you get tired of and then throw away." With that last sentence he stares at me like I just dissed him and the I turn on my heels and walk to lunch.
"Where were you I've been waiting like forever?" He asked concerned. "I had a little run in with the schools bad boy I guess you could say." I said annoyed. As I grab my lunch and sit down I spot Collin with a girl sitting on his lap. He spots me and we make eye contact but I roll my eyes and continue talking to John. I've also made some new friends. Ashley and Savannah, they are pretty cool too.
The school day finally ends and I text my brother to come and get me since I can't drive. "Can't come and get you I'm busy take the bus I'm sorry." He texts back with a I'm sorry emoji. So with that I start walking to the bus stop but then someone on a motorcycle pulls up next to me. The person takes off their helmet to reveal the one and only Collin.
"Hop on." He says looking at me. "Your joking right?" I say nervously. "No I'm not now hop on cutie." When he says that my heart literally sinks into my stomach and I roll my eyes. I hop on and he hands me an extra helmet. Before he drives off he tells me to hold onto to his chest. So do so but lightly but he pulls my hands closer and then he tells me to lean when he turns. With that he drives away but I'm scared so I hold on tight and I could feel him chuckle so I hit him in the chest.
We arrive at my house and I see my brothers car in the driveway. I get off his bike and try to take off the helmet but it's stuck to my hair. Collin offers to help so I let him. "You have really nice hair." He says with a smile. I chuckle cause that was a weird thing to say. "What's so funny?" He says confused. "What you said was funny." I say with a smile. He finally gets the helmet off. "Thanks for the ride." I say walking to my front door. "Anytime." He smiles back while yelling it.
    "Jack you home?" I say loudly incase he is upstairs. "In the living room." He tells me. I walk towards the living room and sees him watching Netflix. "I thought you had things to do?" I ask rudely. "I did but I finished early." He say calmly. "Whatever." I say. "So who gave you a ride home?" He asked concerned. "Just Collin." I say normally.  "Collin Grey?" He ask really concerned standing up from the couch. "Yeah why?" I asked. "Stay away from him." He tells me. "Why is something wrong?" I say. "He's a player that's all you need to know........

I just started this story aside from my other one. I will be updating once a twice a week. Friday and Wednesday are the 2 days I will be updating.
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