Chapter 1

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That's Blue, she has brown hair and bright blue eyes, bright enough to blind you, she has "fuck love" tattooed on her knuckles and a quote from Bring Me The Horizon that said "Everybody wants to you to heaven, but nobody wants to die" tattooed on the left side of her thigh and then a small heart on her ring finger (left hand) she is 21, and is the height of 5'6!**

I wake up in my one story house. I look around my dark grey room.

Get your lazy ass up Blue, or your going to miss touring with all the bands!

Oh shut up! I don't give a fuck my bags are packed and I don't have to leave till 10.

Well In case you haven't realized it's 8.

Fine I'll get up if it means you will leave me the hell alone!

Will do!

I got up and took a quick shower then got out and started to do my hair then putting it into a messy bun. I then did my winged eyeliner then my mascara. I put on a Calvin Klein hoodie with a pair of black leggings and a pair of white high top vans. I walked out of my room and already had my bags packed and in my living room. There was a knock on my door. I walked to it and opened it. Great! It was my father, Danny.

"Hey Blue, I just wanted to come check in on you..i haven't talked to you in a while," Danny Says. Some people wonder why I call him Danny instead of dad. It would be because he used my mum just for sex like he did  every other girl. Then my mom came to him saying she was pregnant and my father didn't want anything to do with me until I was five. That was the year my mother died of cancer. That's the reason why I have fuck love tattooed on my knuckles.

"Yeah I guess it's been a while," I say not giving him any of my attention, I was finishing cleaning up the house, s it would be clear when I get back.

"Why is your stuff packed? Where are you going?" he asked.

Come on just kick the jerk out of your house already!

Not yet..just gold on..

"I'm going on tour, with Asking and everyone else," I say.

"I thought I told you I don't want you hanging out with people like them," Danny said.

"Hanging out with those type of people wouldn't be anything different from hanging out with you, because if you haven't remembered YOU used to be one of those people, Danny," I say getting a little angry.

"You know I only do this because I'm trying to protect you..dont do what your mother did," Danny said raising his voice.

"Excuse you!? Don't do what MY mother did? Are you fucking serious..who was the one that claimed he loved her then was gone the next day..who was the one that slept with a bunch of girls just to leave them heartbroken in the morning? And who also was the one that didn't help MY mother raise me especially when she needed you the most while trying to raise me and fight cancer? Hmm? So don't try to act like I'm doing wrong right now..what you did was wrong to both me and my mother, so goodbye I'm leaving!" I yell.

"No your not-" He started but then I cut him off. "No I'm fucking 21 I'm not some little girl, as you can seem am doing fine on my own and don't need you," I say then push him out of my house.

Finally you kicked him out.

Oh shut it, I'm not in the mood!

I hear my phone buzz and then walk over to the coffee table to pick it up.

Denis🙈: Hey we will be there in about five
Me: k

I push the home button then click twitter and just scroll through to see what all the people I follow has posted.

I here a horn and I grab my black duffel bag and walk outside then lock my door and leave.

**So it's short for a first chapter, it might be 1 or 2 more chapters before Oliver actually comes into it but comment, vote on it..tell me what yah think and I need a name for a female best friend for Blue, and also a males name I will pick & kissez!!

Doomed // Oliver Sykes Where stories live. Discover now