1 - Reminiscence

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I remember the day we first met.

It was a night of a full moon, and I was but a young child back then. I had managed to sneak out of my house, despite my usual obedient behavior. I just wanted some adventure away from the luxurious life I lived as a noble's son. I journeyed into the forest that was close by.

I remember our first touch.

Being surrounded by nature at night was somewhat calming. The moon shone ever so brightly through the trees, showing light onto a trail that I followed. The wind calmly rustled the branches, small bugs chirped, and owls hooting. It felt.. so calm. So peaceful.

However, through my walk, there was one thing that broke that peace. A small bat had fallen out of nowhere, right in front of me. It seemed to be wounded, and something inside me told me to help. I tended to its wounds, and I asked it where it lived. Me? Talking to an animal? They must think I would be crazy for that, but it seemed to have understood me. Flying close in front of me, it led the way to an extravagant, dark mansion. It seemed to have thanked me, and flew away. I headed back home.

I remember the first time I heard your voice.

The next time I ventured out into the woods at night was the following week. I heard a voice, a soft voice. I followed it to the source. There, at the same place I found the wounded bat, was a young boy, about my age. He had sleek, dark hair, darker than the night; and red eyes, like precious rubies shining in the moonlight. He was seated down, facing upwards, singing.

"I wear the pitch black night..."

I just stood in awe as this mysterious boy sang. His voice seemed to capture me, and the song was just beautiful. There, I silently stood, as he sang.

He finished. I couldn't help but to applaud. He seemed frantic upon hearing me, another presence, and looked around. He finally set his gaze upon me, with those shining, red eyes. He looked at me with a sense of familiarity. Smiling, he ran up to me and hugged me.

It was so sudden.

"Thank you.. I knew you would come.." he said in a soft voice.
"I've been sitting here every night waiting for you to come. And you did."

I was just too confused for any words, so he continued.

"So again.. thank you.. for saving me that night. I could've died, y'know.."

What was he talking about? Anyways, I decided to respond.

"You're.. welcome?"

He laughed, a laugh full of the purity and innocence of childhood. "This is our secret, okay?"

He turned into a bat and sailed away into the night.

"Wait!" I called out. I suddenly realized he was the bat I saved that night.

The night we first met.

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