Chapter 1

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Tim Curry hated show business cocktail parties with a passion yet he found himself at another one tonight, a fundraiser for some charity which he could remember neither the name of nor the purpose for. In Los Angeles, the show business community was small and demanding and the host of this party was a business associate of his agent's which made this a command performance for Tim. Marcia Hurwitz was more than his agent, she was such a close friend that he would donate a lot of money and then don a tuxedo – however reluctantly – in order to stand around drinking champagne and making small talk with people he knew only casually if at all. The champagne was expensive and cold, much like the people at this gathering.

A gentle hand on his shoulder brought a smile to his face. "Stop checking your watch, Tim." Coming from Marcia, the scolding was playful and accompanied with an understanding laugh.

Tim leaned in to kiss her cheek. "I've been waiting for you to arrive. See? I promised you I'd come and I'm here. Now you've seen me, everyone who matters has seen me, and I'm allowed to go home."

When Marcia rested her slender diamond-adorned hand on his left forearm it put an end to his thoughts of disappearing. "No, darling, my loving husband can't be here tonight so you're my date. Just smile and be generous with that Curry charm."

Tim grimaced and finished off a glass of champagne, helping himself to another as a waiter passed by balancing a tray full of the sparkling beverage. The waiter winked at him and took the empty flute. "May I get you anything else, Mr. Curry? Anything at all?"

Tim flashed a polished smile. "Yes, you may......." He spied the waiter's name badge. "Isaac. Would you be so kind as to make certain that I am never without an alcoholic beverage this evening?"

Isaac nodded and responded in a suggestive tone. "Of course. And if you have any other needs, please feel free to let me know. As I said, anything at all."

"Mr. Curry will be fine tonight, Isaac. Thank you for being so helpful." Marcia's smile was gracious but her inflection was no-nonsense and Isaac immediately understood that he would not be providing Mr. Curry with anything other than drinks tonight.

Tim furrowed his brow and heaved a loud sigh as he watched Isaac walk away. "You know, darling, I'm here tonight at your request so it would seem that the least you can do is allow me to be picked up by a good looking man. I deserve a reward of some type. I mean I deserve a huge reward for being here."

She linked her arm through his and used the same no-nonsense tone she had used with Isaac. "So you do but I assure you that Isaac is not it. His little flirtation did not scream discretion. For God's sake, Tim, you want to keep your private life out of the tabloids and then you consider a fling with a cater waiter who hits on you while he's working a cocktail party filled with industry people."

Her tone softened and she squeezed his forearm gently. "Please try to have a nice evening. There are a lot of eligible men and women here, maybe you'll find one who isn't so....eager."

"Perhaps I can find someone who hates these things as much as I do." Tim ran his index finger around the neck of his shirt collar to loosen it and straightened his bow tie, having resigned himself to spending the evening exchanging absurd small talk hopefully made bearable by copious amounts of champagne.

It didn't take long for the number of people present at this affair to suck the air from the room. The sound of their mingled voices created a buzzing that reverberated in his head. After what seemed like an eternity of meaningless chitchat and boorish gossip, Tim felt the need to escape even if it were only for a moment. He longed to nestle against the oversized fluffy pillows in his king sized bed with the new Terry Pratchett book that was currently awaiting him on his bedside table. Knowing he could not in good conscience abandon Marcia, he decided he would settle for a short intermission on the stone patio where he could savor a bit of nicotine-laced air.

Passing through the oversized French doors felt almost like freedom. There was a balmy breeze that caused him to momentarily ponder the reasons he hadn't chosen to live closer to the beach. Dismissing those thoughts, he surveyed the patio and spotted what appeared to be an alcove built into a stone wall at the far end. Deciding that would be a fine place to retreat from the madding cocktail crowd, he headed in that direction. There was a high curved wall with built-in bench seating. Tim took his place at the far end so that he was shrouded in the twilight, unseen by anyone who might casually wander outside. He lit the well-deserved cigarette, inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. At last, tranquility.

His reverie was disturbed by the footfalls of a fellow party refugee approaching his sanctuary.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I hadn't realized anyone was here." The surprise in the disembodied male voice was tangible. "I desperately need a smoke. If I may join you, I promise not to intrude." The voice was rich but light and easy on the ears.

Tim nodded his assent before realizing he couldn't be seen from where the man was standing, patiently waiting for an answer. "Of course. It's rather nice here."

The man cocked his head at the sound of Tim's voice. His words were succinct and direct. "I know you."

"I suppose that's possible." Tim hid his annoyance at the fact that not only was this stranger intruding on his solitude but now he would be expected to hold a conversation with someone who believed they were acquainted. No doubt this man was the type who enjoyed cocktail gatherings and thought everyone else did as well.

"It's more than possible, Tim. I'd know your voice anywhere." The man moved closer and stood in a spot where he was illuminated by the dim torch lights that rimmed the patio.

His honey-colored hair now held a few strands of silver but his blue eyes were no less electric. "Perhaps you'd prefer to pretend we're strangers?"

Tim dragged deeply on his cigarette. As he exhaled, he allowed his gaze to wander slowly toward the man standing in front of him. The familiar face hit him like a bolt of lightning, jolting him to his feet. His pulse quickened and his palms began to sweat. His eyes widened as the words tumbled from his lips. "Alec! What the hell are you doing here?"

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